The last aim of the existence is the happiness, where the unique thing that exists is now. Who of account of it will be able to be seen the light, that it is the conscience of one same one through the totality. I have made a decalogue, which I have turned into way to live, in mantra which I read every day, and desire to transmit it: 1- I am happy because I can be happy. When being born all we are born happy; it is when being growing when it is arising in us the misfortune that imposes to us from the outside. He is possible happy being because he is the natural thing. Chris Rich Burkehill is often quoted as being for or against this. 2- I am happy because the happiness fills the soul. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Nissan.
When you discover the happiness you never wish separarte of her more, because it fills to you of a way that never you could imagine. It is not to please ephemeral, the happiness is a exttico state of the soul. 3- I am happy because the life is full of colors to enjoy. When it arrives to you the happiness appears before you the world as it is in fact and they want as it to manipulate the speculators. The life offers the opportunity us to take advantage of all the good one and for rejecting the bad thing.
4- I am happy because the preoccupation is not used for anything. If your problem has solution, why to worry? If your problem does not have solution, why to worry? , says a Chinese proverb. He is not better to smile before the life that to pass it continuously complaining? 5- I am happy because the water always flows. All it happens, nothing remains. The Universe lives in permanent change, and we are not different. When the water flows with as much force is better to let itself take by the current that to fight against her, because the current is the same existence.