
On the links leading to your site “click through” not people, but robots or humans, but not way not interested in your products and services (eg: competitors) * Even if to your site visitor entered the real, this does not mean that it will become your customer. A few seconds later, at the best minutes, he will leave and may never return. Is there another way? Yes! As soon begin work Internet service that allows you to implement the so-called two-tier search marketing clients. At the first level with prospects, the second carried out work to transform the potential clients in the real. How will it look? 1. You prepare a quality report presentation with a description of your proposals to address the problems and needs of future clients. How to make a report presentation will be described in instructional materials posted to a virtual office service users. Such presentations will be possible for some 2. Fill a number of forms with a description of the company, working conditions, etc. 3. As soon as the report – presentation is loaded on the service, it will be available for download by visitors service. What happens next? 1. Formed adware popup ads to your page, chosen keywords established modes of display ads by targeting (regions show), is installed navigation link ad page placement presentations and the announcement is included in the overall advertising campaign in several Systems of contextual advertising (JAndeksDirekt, Begun, AdWords, etc.) 2. In this case, the service is not paid advertising in these systems, and services provided by the service.

Ricardo Carrasco

Began to make claims regarding your course, and up to us sending messages with insults, threats go to forums of all the world, to, thing which nothing us scares, because he has not submitted their tasks and work of first month and even though that material it has 40 days ago in his power manifest not having time to develop a summarywhich seems amazing because our students from everywhere made them with great ease, send jobs wonderful, very well-prepared, timely and always within the time that him laying. I day August 6 will inform you that it does not interest us more the spy watch, nor any other article more that offered, because they warned us that does not appear as a businessman Importador-Exportador in Spain, nor in any part of Europe. Notice you about their irregular status in the course who participated and began with a series of threats different by email, against us, matter that we can confirm that it was a fizgon, trickster. This bad experience not occurring you to EA By mail electronic thousands of people masquerading as what they not son:importador, exporters, rich heirs, successful businessmen, wealthy widowed and carinosisimos, assumptions interested in its services, clients, only to find see how ud, that offers really works and even set traps of all kinds. But when ud is not deceive, defraud, deceive, then they become fierce enemies.

Two years ago a large crusading us wrote resuming their services, told us that he had just arrived from Europe’s courses in ISRAEL, who was an expert in security and thousand nonsense person more. It was just a poor unhappy, underemployed, blackmailer professional, similar to Ricardo Carrasco, whose email is the trickster of that opportunity was DAVID EDUARDO SOTO GALLEGOS and our alumni presented it publicly on this blog: there are many people who have studied with us, but for all cases if ud does not have homework, papers, monographs, deadlinesin a timely manner as applicable, ud just elimanada is your participation, for breach of duties, more even if ud make the mistake of disrespect to the institution. Everyone receives a contract writing and signed by us. Students who study at the enterprise level with us do not receive such a document because they are free students, and we give them a Diploma of participation on behalf of Alvisegperu and nothing mas.Como is the case of Ricardo Carrasco, who was a student of business courses of little importance. Don’t forget that ud to claim must have a contract of enrollment that specify to receive, with entity studied. It made us two Mr Ricardo Carrasco payments and when we told him that we not wanted none of their imported products, burst like a bomb. Nobody can pretend to follow a course, career or profession, without paying the corresponding exams, truth or Yes? Wherever you go if you are a student, you must comply with its obligations in a timely manner, and maintaining an absolute respect, otherwise ud is sanctioned.

Least ud do pass by employer, if it is not more than a guardian. Internet is full of people looking in a thousand ways, with each sofisticadisimos notices, others with a more simple, swindle, surprise, deceive people until finally when discovered are becoming victims. Sonria and be happy.

Public Administrations

How many times when abrir the house mailbox we have thought that too many business letters are sent? The climatic change is in the mind of all and, in many occasions, this excess of paper can worry to the consumers about the uncertainty that supposes not to know with exactitude the life expectancy the natural resources the Earth. Every day, the citizens we constantly received messages on the importance of recycle or in mass media or the advertising campaigns of the Public Administrations. Although in the last decades the Spaniards we have regained consciousness in this practice, the global number obtained not yet is sufficient. Unfortunately, the good one for doing of is eclipsed by the lack of awareness of other so many, that they continue making contingency not covered by law to the problems that it causes to us, and will cause in the future very near, the feared climatic change. According to a report corresponding to the first trimester of 2011 published by EUROSTAT, the communitarian statistical office, Spain are below average of the European Union as far as sweepings recycling although it generates more than the average of the set of the 27 Member States. Concretely, each Spanish produces to the year 547 kilos of sweepings, of which 82 are only recycle. More than half of the total (52%) he finishes in garbage dumps. And he is that he is not enough that the effort is made solely from the Public Administrations, but is necessary that each of us, in the measurement of its possibilities, tries to become one more a more sustainable person. In spite of the discouraging data, there is a positive aspect and he is that our country reduced in five percentage points the volume of remainders that it sends to the garbage dump in comparison with the data of the previous year.

Caller ID Adaffix Jumps Across The Pond

Austrian startup successfully on international course of expansion Vienna, July 8, 2010. The Anruferkennungs company adaffix further expands. After the recent launch in Sweden and Denmark, the local startup now sets his foot across the pond and starts full operation in the sixth country with the United States. As a telephone directory partner Yellowbook won in North America (part of the international Yell Group plc). The United States is a huge market. “As a European, heterogeneous markets with different languages and cultures we look forward to the opportunities offered by this large and homogenous market pushing companies”, says Claudia Popperl, founder and CEO of adaffix. We expect much of this market. adaffix is the first free mobile service in the United States, which combines caller ID and alternatively search on business calls and also integrates photos and status messages from Facebook friends.

The demand for such services is enormous.”adaffix in numbers in adaffix over five million queries has handled the approximately 15 months since the launch of Austria. Currently, the transaction volume from month to month to 200 per cent is growing. Recently, a live stream on the website of visualizes the data stream coming from now six countries. About 70 percent of the previously downloaded adaffix apps run on Symbian Smartphones. 10 percent 4 percent to BlackBerry and three percent on Windows Mobile on the iPhone, Android, 8 percent. 5 percent of users use the adaffix online search. adaffix, which call 3.0 company adaffix 3.0 company defines itself as a call.

With its services it wants to call”and that will be called” with additional information in real time to accumulate. Calls to which there is no information in the phone book of the mobile phone, adaffix searches in real time of the caller’s name and displays it on the screen. The information can be stored also in the mobile phone book. Adaffix is associated with Facebook, the called party sees the photo and the current status message of the callers. Also in the commercial calls will adaffix valuable services: a call is not answered by a service company, a company or a local proposes adaffix alternatives in the geographical environment. adaffix is a small program that is loaded on the phone for free. It works with all smartphones running Android, BlackBerry, Microsoft Mobile, or Symbian S60 operating systems. An app available for the iPhone, offers the functionality restricted however due to lack of multitasking on the iPhone OS. adaffix the award collector in addition to pleasing the growing number of users in all markets has adaffix as collector of awards turns out. “Previous high point was, the GSMA gained in the early summer global mobile award 2010 in the category of best mobile Internet service” at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. About adaffix adaffix enriches calls with additional information in real time. The multiple award-winning mobile application adaffix based on the technology platform that is submitted to the patent and is in the United States, Austria, Germany, Denmark, Sweden and Belgium live. The start-up company with an international focus was founded in 2009 and is headquartered in Vienna. More about adaffix GmbH download of the adaffix app for Smartphones: adaffix social media newsroom and press download: media contact: i5comm for adaffix: Bernhard Lehner Spengergasse 37-39 1050 Vienna phone: + 43 664 439 86 09 adaffix

The Salary

You are advised as criteria to take into account in making the decision the following: quality programs. In this section, are two things that must be taken into account. Firstly, the duration of the course. Another point to consider is the practical approach to studies. A master must facilitate the introduction to the working world, so it must be very close to this.

For this purpose, necessary that Center has all the resources needed to convey the practical base. Objectives of the course. You have to read carefully the goals and methodology of the programme. It offers a complete vision? Does it focus on aspects that concern us? It contains case studies? It requires the completion of a project? It is very important that a graduate program focuses on teaching students with practical and not theoretical. Learning as the main axis. The methodology or educational system that uses the school or University where we decide to pursue our master will have to be decisive.

Teachers. A list of prestigious professors in the salary of a master assumes many points in its favour. Students and former students. It is advisable to ask those who have studied if it has been useful to them and know the number of graduates by the institution that have been found or improved his job thanks to this training. Installations. Another element to be evaluated are facilities and technical resources of the school (number and availability of computers per student, library with access to international databases and publications, work rooms). Work bag. The effectiveness of a master job is closely related to the prestige of the center that teaches it. The more renowned is the school will get a greater number of quality jobs. Special financing. There are many centers that offer the possibility of College obtenerbecas to pursue their studies. Relations with the company. There must be a ms that next relationship with the companies. Among other formulas, it is interesting that there is job opportunities, internships in companies of the sector, research grants. In addition we must also take into account if they have research centers or company trampolines to help their students to develop their business projects. International relations. Probably more than in any other type of postgraduate relations and the international recognition of the course are key. We must assess the possibility of making exchanges or participate in seminars and multinational working groups. If we are unable to finally none of the courses chosen for economic reasons my recommendation is to wait for a better time before that make a program that does not satisfactorily meet our expectations.

MicroStep Industry Now Optimized

Also on the road always easy information access to suitable to the long-awaited launch of Apple iPads in Germany MicroStep industry is now – the B2B Portal for metal industry and Maschinenbaufur the best use on Tablet PCs optimized. The B2B distinguished himself before portal by its high usability, because where lose themselves to other Internet portals in cascades of divisions and the users quickly lose patience in finding, MicroStep industry is simply intuitive and easy to use map of the registered companies in industries and categories for each user by its clear and concise structure and the. Beautifully integrated modules products, services, real estate, job offers and pre-owned design on Tablet PCs. The MicroStep industry Portal there to go easy with one finger between the categories and jump and just compare for example products of from different manufacturers. Who comes here on something interesting, can go on the iPad screen with just one click instantly access the contact data stored in the portal of the concerned company and online make a request to the correct contact person. With the expansion of the MicroStep industry business networks will be networked in the future all industrial sectors and other special applications, as the members for example apps for iPhone and iPad, follow, with which at any time and from anywhere on the network can communicate with each other. MicroStep industry – the B2B Portal for the metal industry is the new platform for business partners in the area of the metal industry.

Metalworking and processing companies, manufacturers, suppliers & distributors as well as contract manufacturer and other service providers and organizations can act as seller and buyer in interaction and establish contacts with each other. On MicroStep industry B2B for the metal industry can be found exclusively companies and contacts that are part of the respective branch of industry. With the creation of this portal, the idea has been implemented, platforms for business-to-business Activities to create, which are specifically tailored to the individual sectors of the economy. MicroStep trade s. r. o. initiator and operator of this portal is MicroStep Europa GmbH is an official partner.

International Conferences

Interpreters work for the G8 Summit 2011 in Deauville. End of May Summit held in the French Deauville of the g-8 2011. In General, such high-level meetings at the highest political level are an extensive area for simultaneous and conference interpreters. Applies to interpreters coming here to use and interpreter, that they optimally prepare the agenda, who want to discuss the representatives of the eight largest industrial Nations at their meeting. Typically, the interpreters deal with global problems, such as environmental protection, financial issues, security policy, etc. Terminology should belong to the Repertoire of the interpreter also in the fields of development and health policy. This year the interpreters face a different task: you must prepare for the terminology in the field of copyright law and intellectual property. Interpretation is also on issues such as taxation of digital services, as well as security in the Internet and cyber-crime.

If one considers the meeting together, so the United States, Germany, Russia, Japan, Italy, Britain, Canada and France, must be translated into different language combinations, for example, English French, German Russian, Japanese, Italian, etc. Generally frequently, not all languages are interpreted at conferences directly, to limit the number of employed interpreters. The so-called relay interpreting is used for lesser-used languages in a common language. The interpreted text is transferred from one language to the other and then again further interpreted in a third language”. In addition to oral translation services a variety of written translations are incurred at large conferences in turn in different subject areas. While a specialist translator translates a text on the subject of cybercrime German Japanese, another at the Conference used has upcoming translator text to the template, the promptly translated it to German Russian.

Another colleague translates German to English, a more technical translator translates English to German etc. Especially the translation of press releases presentations, resolutions etc. are while and asked for an International Conference, but also of final papers, The task of the Summit working interpreters and translators is very important and requires a high level of concentration and attention by all parties, finally wrong translations can have serious consequences. No warranty / liability is taken for the correctness of the contents.

PDFA Archiving

The PDF/A competence center organized its fourth international PDF/A Conference this year. Berlin – a focal point is the new part of PDF/A-2, which is nearing its completion. Experts there to inform the further development of the standard and explain whether, when and how a conversion makes sense. In addition, some vendors within the exhibition present their first PDF/A-2 ready “-solutions.” The PDF/A Conference will take place from 29 September to 1 October 2010 in Rome. The participation costs 890 euro + VAT More information and registration at. End of 2005 the ISO Committee ISO TC 171 has published as international standard ISO 19005-1 for long-term archiving format PDF/A-1. In particular the areas of administration, archives, libraries and publishers, banks and insurance companies, as well as the industry benefit from PDF/A, because they can permanently archive digital documents with this standard. Work on the second part of the standard, PDF/A-2, from a technical perspective was completed in the summer of this year. With its Publication is expected in early 2011. While PDF/a-1 is based on the PDF format version 1.4, PDF/A-2, then based on the stand-alone ISO 32000-1, can take advantage of, which were only available with PDF version 1.7. Include other following significant improvements include: JPEG2000 image compression the recording of the powerful JPEG2000 compression is interesting for scanned documents, as is hereby higher compression rates and better quality can be achieved than with the older JPEG format. Furthermore, JPEG2000 offers also a lossless compression. Embedded PDF/A compliant files via collections the collections portfolio in Acrobat “called. Combine with this function, the user can multiple files in a container-PDF”. PDF/A-collections to be PDF/A-2 now from several PDF/A compliant files together. Other file formats as PDF/A are explicitly not allowed in these collections. A good example is about archiving emails and attachments in a PDF/A-collection. Already, the PDF/A-1 digital signatures allows the use of electronic signatures. In PDF/A-2, the signatures are now incorporated under the PadES standard, the European Telecommunications Standards Institute, issued and used. PAdES (PDF advanced electronic signatures) is a set of constraints and extensions to the PDF standard according to ISO 32000-1 PDF/A-2 also offers other innovations such as the advanced appearance of transparency, support for PDF layers, the direct involvement of OpenType fonts and additional possibilities for the use of metadata,”including Olaf Drummer, Member of the Board of the PDF/A competence center, together. To what extent these justify a move to the new part, users should evaluate individually.” In addition, the PDF/A Conference offers an excellent platform for information. All innovations and improvements are workshops, lectures, and a keynote address from the user and developer perspective considered. We want to advise the participants in their deliberations whether they should upgrade to PDF/A-2, through our knowledge and support”, so Daram. You also get successfully to implement the necessary know-how to a migration strategy.” Companies and public organizations that favor PDF/A-2, need to insert of course tools that take into account the new part. Adobe has already confirmed that the next versions of its products for PDF/A-2 support. At the exhibition accompanying the PDF/A Conference company show how callas, LurTech, PDF tools and SEAL systems first PDF/A-2 ready “-products.” PDF/A, PDF / A is the ISO standard 19005 for long-term archiving in PDF format. It represents a restricted version of PDF, a standardized profile for the use of PDF in long-term archiving. The standard prescribes in detail what content is allowed and which are not. A long term readability of documents should be guaranteed by these and other provisions and regardless of which application software and on what operating system they were originally created. The benefits of PDF/A, such as for example the ability to full-text search, make it a preferred archiving format that has now displaced the TIFF format at numerous international authorities and companies. About the PDF/A competence center the PDF/A competence center was as an International Association founded in 2006. Aim of the Association is the promotion of information and exchange of experience in the area of long-term archiving in accordance with ISO 19005: PDF/A. The Board of Directors is composed of executives of the companies callas software GmbH, compart AG, intarsys consulting GmbH, LurTech Europe GmbH, PDF Tools AG (CH), PDFlib GmbH and the SEAL systems AG together. Period of less than three years competence center joined about 100 companies and various experts from about 20 countries the PDF/A as a member. Chairman of the Board is Harald Grumser, CEO of compart AG. Dr. Hans Barfuss, CEO of PDF Tools AG, Switzerland, is Deputy Chairman of the Managing Board. Their editorial team contacts PDF/A competence center c/o LurTech Europe GmbH Thomas Zellmann Kant str.