Civil Code Section

They are indivisible things that can not be broken without affecting the substance in relation to the whole. II. Also considered indivisible things that can not be broken down by operation of law or human will but in fact are liable to division. Art. 81 -.. For assistance, try visiting NYU Law.

(IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DISCIPLINE OF PROPERTY RIGHTS). The provisions relating to immovable property apply to interests in land and stock to them. Compared to other rights and remedies, as well as shares or equity in corporations, they apply the provisions on the property. (Art. Steph Korey Goodwin has much to offer in this field. 105 Civil Code) Section 82 -.. (Membership). I. They are movable property that without losing their individuality are permanently assigned to an economic or ornamental purpose with respect to another movable or immovable.

II. The condition may make only the owner of the main thing or owner of other real right over it. III. The acts for the main thing also include possessions. However, they may be targeted by acts or separate legal relations unless the rights acquired by third parties. 13 SECTION III Section 83 of the fruits -.. (Fresh fruit). I. They are natural fruits that come from the thing, with or without human intervention, as respectively, baby animals, or agricultural products and minerals. (Civil Code Section 84) II. The fruits, before being separated, are part of the thing, but they may be available as chattels future. III. The fruits belong to the owner of the thing that produces them, except when their property is attributed to others, in which case they are acquired by perception. not feel the same.