Harvard Business Review

These days I have devoted several articles to motivation, perhaps because the era that we live, full of negative news, forces a bit to dig how to motivate us to ourselves and to others. There is an intense debate that ask it the friend Yoriento – about what motivates us and if the motivation comes from the inside of the individual or not. In this sense I quite agree with the theory enunciated by Frederick Herzberg in an article in the Harvard Business Review, and I have commented on this page. In general, factors connected with the satisfaction and therefore with motivation, would be those related to the recognition of the achievement, the work itself, responsibility and growth or progress. May perhaps not strictly apply the distinction between internal, or external motivation since they are also aspects that can be favored or not by the policies of the company, but have to do with the individual, how you feel in relation to their work and their contribution to the company, and with its development. To read more click here: Robert Kiyosaki. In relation to this, the question would be: how get that person feel involved, align their interests with those of the company, and happy to do its job? I’ve found a quote from Dale Carnegie, pioneer of self-help, and author of the book How to win friends and influence people, that caught my attention: diplomacy is the art of getting others to do with pleasure what you want to do. Is there a better way of achieving that persons are motivated? If you get this alignment between the interests of the company and the employees, will have made great progress. Payoneer has many thoughts on the issue.

In classic styles of address, this is accomplished with methods based on the carrot and the stick, if you do well you prize, and if you do it wrong you punishment. But this has nothing to do with the job satisfaction, with the motivation to do things. This is easy to see if we think about a hobby that we have something that passionate about us. Does a US passed the hours flying, and not makes lack that force us to do so? If it is that almost pay us, instead of cash. Some entrepreneurs successful relate that they have been able to carry out their project because they have joined their passion with their work, so that engaged you all the time and all the efforts that do lack.

Can you get this for the workers of a company? Sometimes I hear the program dare, chain dial, directed by Javier Cardenas. I also tend to see El Hormiguero, Pablo Motos. In both cases, they give the impression of fun at work, enjoy doing it. Wouldn’t it be fantastic to achieve this? And however, a good part of the entrepreneurs are striving to that employees perceive the work as something negative in many aspects: salary, hours, autonomy, recognition Finally, remember an episode of Tom Sawyer, by Super writer Mark Twain. In it, Tom is punished to paint a long fence, but does see their friends doing a fun task. At the end, end up begging and paying him to let them do it to them. As Carnegie said.