Human Development

George Bernard Shaw, for example, has a great concept of dreams and donot despise them even when we build castles in the air a OESI’ve built a castle in the air, you have not wasted my time, that’s where it should be. Now you must build the foundations under el.a dreams who has enjoyed the preponderant power of vision focused on a time to come with its uncertainty and surprises inescapable logic, but, yes, with its immense potential to realize the utopia, represented in a beautiful box to which only lacks the canvas or a building that, as Shaw suggests , a make no foundation. The dreams, the intensity of them and the frequency with which they have divided the world into two. On one side are those discussed in the road map of the predictable and sterile certainty where they are delivered into the arms of the routine, and on the other those of pure heart rate and block by block construct the building progress. The American businessman James Cash Penny reaffirms the above in his own words: a a worker with big dreams and he found a man who can change history. Show me a man without dreams, and it will find a simple obreroa .

Having dreams or not at all, this is the beginning of the construction of a different reality. If someone takes your utopia and added to hard work and disciplined and adds a good dose of passion, be close to having a happy meeting with his future and success, which will award their struggle with a welcome and a fraternal embrace. is a renowned Colombian journalist and writer, a teacher linked to several Colombian universities..