View the patterns in the consideration that the shift of the visiting hours on the Web hourly patterns of visitors (circadian rhythms) are very consistent, if they are subjected to a comparison to the same day of the week, week after week. The distribution in percentage of visitors in total daily hours sales varies strictly over 7% to the total daily average. The differences of the total percentage of visit have been measured. We found that daylight saving time has had a noticeable shift in the Stundennutzungs pattern of the site: up to 10% of the users move the start and end of your visit to the site between the beginning and the end of the day. While the total variation in numbers looks small, reflected a shift of activities to expected behaviour of visits starting earlier and earlier decline on the day. Similar patterns can be found in other Web sites by Nestoria, in countries which use the summer time. (Nestoria UK, Nestoria Italia and Nestoria Espana). An extra hour so not much activity generates the additional hour of the last October-Sunday erhohtet the actual duration of that day by 4% (from 24 hours to 25 hours).
The number of visits rose summarized in an average of 2% – all 4 sides or seen. It is unclear whether the change in the total number of visitors, week-seasonality and / or increased duration of the day, due to. It seems that additional availability of time is no longer applies to online activities. This would have additional hour on this day to rest or dedicated to leisure can be. It would be interesting to compare these patterns of online activities with offline behaviors – such as retail, transport, use, phone use, etc.. Conclusion DST has no significant impact on the use of Web pages, on the visits, or on their performance.