Practical Science

IT cluster Upper Franconia writes graduation Award from the IT cluster, Upper Franconia (ITCO) awarded theses by students of the departments of information and telecommunications technology (ICT) with the ITCO graduation award. Graduates of the universities of Bamberg and Bayreuth, as well as the universities of Coburg and Hof can participate. Other requirements are that the graduate has written the thesis in cooperation with a company and an ICT subject. The ITCO is price of graduate of 3000,-EUR for the first, 2000,-euro for the second and doped 1000,-euro for the third place. Practical work sought the supervising professors the Bachelor, master or diploma work of their students up to November 30, 2011 submit. The application consists of a unilateral project sketch to drafting of the graduates and an opinion of the professor.

The topic of ICT includes, inter alia, the areas of software, hardware, networks, and Web applications. Condition for participation is that the work has received well at least the note and the Submission deadline for no longer than 12 months. Exchange of experience between science and economy an eight-member jury made up of professors and entrepreneurs rated the submissions and selects three works for the finals. The decisive factor here is the practical use and the applicability in the enterprise, as well as the scientific quality. With the graduation award we promote the integration of science and industry”, says Konrad Bastian, Executive Board member of the IT cluster of Upper Franconia and initiator of the ITCO Alumni Award. We draw out practical projects, strengthen the IT location Upper Franconia and make a contribution to keep the graduates of our universities in the region.” High voltage in the final the public award of the ITCO Alumni Prize takes place in the spring of 2012, in Bamberg.

In each 30-minute talks, the three finalists present their projects. On the basis of the presentations and of the documents submitted, the jury will award the positions one through three. You compete with the short presentations Participants before large audiences,”says Dr. Jr. Markus Diehl, Member of the Board of the IT cluster Upper Franconia. We create a competitive situation, as it is still often encounter the graduates in the profession. “For finalists and audience is an exciting award ceremony final guaranteed.”