Ricardo Carrasco

Began to make claims regarding your course, and up to us sending messages with insults, threats go to forums of all the world, to emagister.com, thing which nothing us scares, because he has not submitted their tasks and work of first month and even though that material it has 40 days ago in his power manifest not having time to develop a summarywhich seems amazing because our students from everywhere made them with great ease, send jobs wonderful, very well-prepared, timely and always within the time that him laying. I day August 6 will inform you that it does not interest us more the spy watch, nor any other article more that offered, because they warned us that does not appear as a businessman Importador-Exportador in Spain, nor in any part of Europe. Notice you about their irregular status in the course who participated and began with a series of threats different by email, against us, matter that we can confirm that it was a fizgon, trickster. This bad experience not occurring you to EA By mail electronic thousands of people masquerading as what they not son:importador, exporters, rich heirs, successful businessmen, wealthy widowed and carinosisimos, assumptions interested in its services, clients, only to find see how ud, that offers really works and even set traps of all kinds. But when ud is not deceive, defraud, deceive, then they become fierce enemies.

Two years ago a large crusading us wrote resuming their services, told us that he had just arrived from Europe’s courses in ISRAEL, who was an expert in security and thousand nonsense person more. It was just a poor unhappy, underemployed, blackmailer professional, similar to Ricardo Carrasco, whose email is the trickster of that opportunity was DAVID EDUARDO SOTO GALLEGOS and our alumni presented it publicly on this blog: there are many people who have studied with us, but for all cases if ud does not have homework, papers, monographs, deadlinesin a timely manner as applicable, ud just elimanada is your participation, for breach of duties, more even if ud make the mistake of disrespect to the institution. Everyone receives a contract writing and signed by us. Students who study at the enterprise level with us do not receive such a document because they are free students, and we give them a Diploma of participation on behalf of Alvisegperu and nothing mas.Como is the case of Ricardo Carrasco, who was a student of business courses of little importance. Don’t forget that ud to claim must have a contract of enrollment that specify to receive, with entity studied. It made us two Mr Ricardo Carrasco payments and when we told him that we not wanted none of their imported products, burst like a bomb. Nobody can pretend to follow a course, career or profession, without paying the corresponding exams, truth or Yes? Wherever you go if you are a student, you must comply with its obligations in a timely manner, and maintaining an absolute respect, otherwise ud is sanctioned.

Least ud do pass by employer, if it is not more than a guardian. Internet is full of people looking in a thousand ways, with each sofisticadisimos notices, others with a more simple, swindle, surprise, deceive people until finally when discovered are becoming victims. Sonria and be happy.