Leadership And Teamwork

General information increasingly manifested that the success of a good leader at the present time, is not only fill the requirements of what good leaders enclose, that goes from their knowledge, experience, skills and personal characteristics, but learn to integrate your team’s work, rely on computers that identify with its goals which commit themselves in their achievements. Many are those who are said to be leading, but in practice, especially in the companies, failing for not knowing how to integrate with work teams, know them motivate, their potential, creativity, take them into account and provide the collaboration required support enabling them to cope successfully. Considered, teamwork does not mean as Olman Martinez, suggests working only together. Teamwork is an organizational philosophy, it’s a different mindset, is a winning path that companies have discovered in recent years to really make the worker undertakes of Veras with the objectives of the company. It should not surprise us, therefore, to Jose Manuel Vecino comment in this regard, all members of a group of people seeking to achieve a purpose when they meet; the triumph of their team, win a tournament, a contest, protrude to the managers for their results, etc.., in this sense the teamwork is always associated with the reason why created the team and the constant search for specified individuals to obtain the expected results. Each one of these persons has creative potential, innovative that it must be taken under the guidance of a good managerial leadership, provided that it knows to handle knowledge, experience, expertise or skills of the team members, will motivate them, stimulate, can communicate, know them offset and above all give the necessary recognition once objectives are achieved. Scope, advantages and implications a good managerial leader knows that having good teams guarantee know manage properly human capital, give way to talent is revealed, that the members of the group feel tastes, taken into account for fully identified with their commitment, their leaders and bring the best of the best of each. . .


These concerns must be addressed, since it must overcome current deficiencies and to establish more advanced goals that enable our country prepare for future educational demands. The plans and programs of study a role irreplaceable, since education is organized by them and fall work patterns for all schools in the country, however these do not always show a discernible result if they are not jointed with a general policy, contributing from different angles to create conditions to improve the quality of primary education, the reform of curricula and study programs which held the Secretariat of public education in 1993. Plans and programs of study manifest immediate actions for the strengthening of the basic educational content, primary school is entrusted various tasks and is expected not only to teach knowledge but to also perform social and cultural functions, so that the reform of these is relevant since it is convenient to carry out preparatory actions for curriculum design and reorganize the process for the elaboration of a new curriculum. Payoneer may not feel the same. The curriculum is a form of education that emerges as a useful instrument to guide teaching practice and an aid to the teacher, curriculum means according to De Alba (1995) to the synthesis of cultural elements (knowledge, values, customs, beliefs, habits) forming a political proposal / educational thought and driven by various groups and social sectors whose interests are diverse and contradictory, although some tend to be dominant or hegemonic, and others tend to oppose and resist such domination or hegemony while curriculum is the synthesis of cultural elements, these are incorporated in him not only through formal aspects but also through social relations of everyday life, it is so the curriculum goes from formal to informal, showing a contradictory character of synthesis, which is developed so that it expresses different levels of significance. However, the cultural elements can be valuable for one group and not another, however remember that a dominant group that drives and determines the curriculum is manifested in every society. .