Spanish Minutes

– And as in Spain, with kin? – Yes means: my favorite Pedro Almodovar, another three or four director, Penelope Cruz, Javier da Bardem. Oh yeah, almost forgot about our cutie Banderas – that's the whole Spanish cinema plus infinity "soap>> interspersed with American fighters and serials. No, on the set, they are able to work, was present, but with the rest of their eternal hasta manana, my razpiz Forgive my sloppiness and laziness, they are very similar to us, so Russian people better and easier place to live is in Spain. – Clearly, we Spaniards are not like slackers and might live? – They live, I assure you, okay, but most importantly, quietly. And the most favorite thing to sit down at night in some cafe and pop into the night without stopping.

In the afternoon, in the siesta, they , the sun a lot, a lot of energy, and that's scratching their languages. No, I'm not against>> but take, say, me, I do not seem very foolish man, and with a broad, well, a range of knowledge and then not always and everywhere I can find a theme for conversation, and they are always there , to talk about: what stockings today bought it, how to choose, that said the saleswoman, etc. etc. True, there they have two things are untouchable: the church and football. Imagine attending evening news, some, like us, forty-five minutes, and so – about football they say ten minutes to twelve, and in all seriousness.

Germany Alumni

“Publication of Alumni marketing guide this week published the Diplom-Kauffrau Ilka Hoepner her recent book titled dialog thread vol. 1 Alumni addresses properly manage”. The book deals with the Alumni marketing at universities. There are many practical tips on topics such as searching, framework conditions (data protection, etc.) and the organisation of addresses in databases. The manual is now available in bookstores at the price of 13.50 euros. It is primarily aimed at alumni managers from colleges and clubs.

The author says: in my many years practice I met again two approaches, the obstructive prerequisites are to successfully place Alumni management. Without trying concept to the whole story ran to go or it with a crowbar. “Many universities are active in the Alumni marketing for years, while others plug straight into the development of its alumni network. This large information gap detected Ilka Hoepner. Her book, she answered many questions to This topic. The author is Alumni Manager with sales and marketing experience.

She is also Managing Director of in India logo, a company established in Julich for marketing and dialog consulting. You support universities and alumni associations in their work and passes on her knowledge in seminars and coaching sessions. Refer to for more information. Interested contact like for more information: in dialogo Hoepner GbR P.o. box 20 25 D-52404 Julich contact: Ilka Hoepner hoepner (at) Tel. 0 24 61.99 53-0 to the in dialogo: in India logo accompanied for many years alumni and University marketing projects with consulting, training and coaching. Our customers benefit from the help of self-help. The customers include small and medium-sized enterprises all over Germany, research and academic institutions, as well as global player.

Reader Award

Germany’s readers have selected their favorite books Munich, 13th December 2010 for the second time the readers and readers on gave the reader Prize to the best books of the year. Among the prizewinners of the largest German audience award for literature, well known authors such as Sebastian Fitzek, Ken Follett and Kerstin found greed but also some surprise. Until December 10, 2010, the reader on the literature Portal were able to vote for their favorite books. In total, 2,500 books in ten categories were nominated. With 30,000 votes, readers have chosen the books, they have really excited this year.

The reader Prize 2010 in gold are: Morgan Callan Rogers with Ruby heart, icy lake in the General category ‘ Sebastian Fitzek with the eye of collectors in the category voltage ‘ Richard Paul Evans with my winter with grace in the category romance ‘ Suzanne Collins with the tribute of panem. Dangerous love in the category fantasy / sci-fi’ Rebecca Michaelson with job’s brothers in the category of historical fiction ‘ Kerstin greed with sapphire blue in the category children’s / young adult novel ‘ Bad Boy Uli with Hellride in the category non-fiction / Advisor ‘ next summer in the category with Edgar Rai audiobook ‘ Angela S. Choi with Hello Kitty must die in the category of best book title ‘ Kai Meyer with Arcadia is burning in the category of best book cover’ the reader award was in ten categories each in gold, Awarded silver and bronze. All other award winners can be found at reader price/2010 /. Authors take advantage of the social Web for sharing with the readers the resonance on the reader award 2010′ was both the readers and the authors. Many of the nominated writers took advantage of the social Web to their fans on the reader award 2010′ to whip up.

As bestselling author Ken Follett about the microblogging service Twitter has pointed to his nomination for the reader award: fall of Giants shortlisted in 2 categories for reader award! Voting until 10 December! “, twitters of the internationally acclaimed star during his book tour through Asia. His book in the category of historical novels have the readers ‘ elected to second place. German authors have realized how exciting is the direct contact with the readers. Authors such as Sebastian Fitzek, Kerstin greed or Kai Meyer have long been in the social Web at home and are interested in the opinions of its readers. It is my first ever first place, with which I was ever awarded for my books in Germany”, says Award winner Sebastian Fitzek. “Not only because is the reader award 2010’ for me, always a special place have held, but also, because he has been granted by the most objective critics, you can have as a writer: the readers!” Links the reader award the best books of 2010 “on reader price/2010 / download material to the reader award the best books of 2010”: action/downloadbereich reader price / LovelyBooks is about monthly more than 213,000 unique users and more than 135,000 readers reviews the leading Literaturcommunity in the German-speaking world.

Market Study Output Management

revolutionize electronic documents impact on the sale of personalized mass printing output management market is still largely printed on paper. Many companies print millions of pages every day. Personalized business documents and mailings are the focal points of the production. The trend seems to go in the direction of electronic documents. Many companies such as banks, telecommunications companies and electric utilities, who daily send business documents such as bank statements or even promotional mailings, offer the customer to get his post via file via E-Mail. How will this trend develop? It will be at some point as far as that the printout on paper of the electronic document is outdated? When will this be? Expects you at all? And how would the market behave, if this is true? The author Heinrich Barta in the form of an online survey researched these and other questions. The results of this market study are surprising and were published in a book about the market study: “Market study output management: revolutionize electronic documents: effects on the output management market” # ISBN-10: 3842859287 # ISBN-13: 978-3842859289 the book can also be purchased among others at Heinrich Barta, born in 1963, is employed as technical consultant for the software manufacturer PrintSoft, the leading global provider of integrated software solutions for the creation of highly personalized documents, since 2001. The constantly emerging question whether there will be a transition from paper documents to electronic documents, motivated him to this study. You can reach the author about his mail address