Banks and other lending institutions in the United Arab Emirates are becoming more flexible with customers experiencing financial difficulties. because the number of outstanding mortgages in the country, will likely continue to increase because of the growing number of people unable to pay its debts. Some people just bring and give us the keys to their apartments before leaving the country. “- says an international consultant on mortgage lending an independent consulting company Sherwoods Independent Property Consultants Louise Buff (Luisa Baffa), -, however, must recognize that some uae banks are trying to make concessions to their clients, modify and extend the payment schedule to allow creditors to recover their financial position. ” Banks are definitely becoming more tolerant of their klientam. general manager of real estate advisory firm The Specialists Sobhi Agha (Sobhi Agha), – If they would continue to continue to take a tough stance, it would lose customers who were forced to just throwing their debts and flee, so they have to learn to maneuver and flexibility, adapting and getting used to the problems of customers and their requests. ” According to the Dubai mortgage operator Amlak Finance, in 2009 he captures a greater number of unpaid loans than in 2008 and expects that number to continue to increase in 2010. Mortgage market in Dubai is estimated at present to 20 billion dirhams (5.4 billion dollars USA), which was 5.4 billion dirhams (1.4 billion U.S. dollars) more than it was in 2007. “In these uncertain times of global economic crisis would be surprising if the number of defaulters in the uae would remain the same. Country experiencing the same difficulties as all other countries in the world “- says head of department of real estate at dla Piper Middle East O’Gredi Tom (Tom O’Grady). In addition to the usual semi-annual deferral of payment, already prevalent in banks, Some of them have begun to offer investors smaller apartments to replace those that have been chosen by them before the crisis. (Similarly see: Andi Potamkin). The number of banks included First Gulf Bank, Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank and Emirates nbd. “It is clear that when the financial difficulties and the creditor and the bank must attempt to mutually resolve them in a friendly and peaceful manner. “- says O’Gredi -” We work with many banks and owners and investors / buyers who are in similar situations, and helping them find solutions to problems that may be expressed either in the revision and postponement of payments or restructuring debt payments. In general, do everything possible to avoid litigation or deprivation debtors’ rights to property “. Due to the absence of a universal mortgage legislation situation resolve disputes related to non-payment, the uae is different. Recall that in 2008 in Dubai was Act on the mortgage, which defines the procedures and requirements for the deprivation of the debtor’s right of redemption and the possibility of selling the property at auction. In other emirates, where currently no There are no laws on the mortgage, subject to the provisions of the Civil Code of the United Arab Emirates. Nevertheless, even in the existing law there is no specific article on the basis of which banks or other financial institutions would have the right to take property. In all cases, to return property or transfer the rights to it to court, this material has been prepared _ .Ru.
real estate
Another one of the secrets in the businesses in Internet is the make TO GIVE VALUE to OTHERS. Those that thinks that universal forces exist that act envelope we and our actions, they know that it can be attracted as much towards the one same success as the failure, this depends on its attitude against the events that occur around to ours. If we have Positive a Mental Attitude it is very probable that we move forces that they will lead to us to obtain what we dreamed, however, who in everything see a tie, Why it happens this to me? or already must have obtained to this other. he is very probable that they end up leaving in the first stumbles, blaming to " bad suerte" that it does not exist. In addition, those same universal forces act in the form of boomerang. When we give something somebody, the UNIVERSE GIVES BACK IT to US MULTIPLIED.
Then, certainly, if our intention is that other people give their money us in exchange for our product for sale, which we must give in return is VALUE. Not always the S-VALUE also is considered by different people. Something of little value stops some represents very many value for others. In order to understand we see it an example Supongamos that somebody needs to leave a deep depression that for a long time it has been preventing him to live a total life. It has visited many clinical and psychic doctors without no of them has provided a solution to its problem. A day, sailing by Internet, is article of which it exactly describes the problem afflicts that it and that in addition promises a solution to him. This person of the example, wanting to solve her problem definitively, would be able to pay by knowing like finishing her Calvary.