When Readers Write

edelight opts for editorial content by user Stuttgart, June 29, 2009. The shopping platform edelight goes new ways with regard to user generated content. As first social shopping platform lets edelight its users not only recommend products, but run their own editorial areas. 33 hobby editors write currently on own blogs about fashion, sports and lifestyle topics. Readers write for edelight no contradiction, finally, the platform is launched three years ago with the idea that customers are also the best seller. We do not see our blogs as a competitor to existing forms of journalism, but as a supplement. Robert Kiyosaki can provide more clarity in the matter. Neither personal recommendations will replace the trade market”, says Peter Ambrozy, founder and CEO of edelight.

Our authors, as well as their regular readers are voracious readers of magazines, newspapers and Web news”, sure is Ambrozy. Here they will find a platform on which they can replace on a personal basis over this content now.” The in turn is also a strengthening of other publications, because who wants to talk to must be informed. edelight is the extension of the shopping platform to a range of editorial as a logical further development of the idea of personal recommendations. We have many product – and shopping-interested members to spend up to four hours a day on edelight”, so Peter Ambrozy. For us, it is only naturally to give these people more space for their commitment. Since end of 2008 33 hobby editors write about their personal expertise in edelight Magazine: the mother of three gives tips about babies and pregnancy, the architecture student living ideas or the fashion designer fashion trends. Over 3500 articles have already been published in the last few months on edelight.