Young Journalists

According to the motto “by students for students” UNI.DE calls on pupils, students, but also alumni, to tell interesting articles for our monthly topics. The designer shipping SELEXION sponsors for the best posts five times a trendy marble slab “La Dolce Vita” with wall mount in verona Turquoise. Study, careers, internships, semester break, professors,… There are many exciting topics worth reports about that. The best articles are published on the UNI.DE student portal and in the monthly newsletter.

Anyone who has to report something interesting from the student life can participate. Courage is the current topic of the month, it can be written but also about the future issues such as performance, beginning, or future. clicking through. Are interesting personal experiences or whether there are, for example, opportunities to study in these areas. Will UNI.DE young journalist and just send the personal report with photo to. The text should be to maximum 800 words long. More information under: description of the company UNI.DE was founded in 1997 by students and is one of the leading German-speaking special interest online platforms around the issues study, career, education & young professionals. On UNI.DE focuses on services such as free E-email, free SMS, University news, job search, study abroad, money and finance, points of view and an entertainment area with UNI.DE TV, podcast, as well as a nationwide event and location guide.

The offer is complemented by the collaboration with partners such as Monster, ImmobilienScout24, ride and more. daily inform universities about their activities and present themselves in higher education full page. In addition, UNI.DE through the area appeals to studentART targeted art-savvy students and promotes this through regular competitions. Company contact: UNI.DE GmbH Maria Baum shooting Sandoval str. 28 80339 Munich Tel: + 49.89.500 59 585 E-Mail: Web: