Management One

Readers. Since that I heard the phrase ‘ ‘ Living in the future, dreaming of realizado’ ‘ in a small meeting of work of that ten minutes last where the objective is to take off doubts about a task, comes thinking on the heading of this article. But because this phrase moved with me? Certain that the enterprise planning has an important paper for the organizations and that without it we do not arrive at the intended objectives to put is certain also that to plan the future we have that to analyze the gift to verify the problems that need to be corrected because the paper and Excel spread sheets accept everything with much easiness and the simple act to dream of carried through perfect not the manager a perfect life in the future. Very complex with the carried through one of today that we have the chance to learn and most important to try to correct what this being given wrong, to supply to that they are making the planning experiences, reasons and arguments so that deceits, processes or of difficult applications are not taken for the future only because if this ‘ ‘ sonhando’ ‘ with one carried through perfect one in the future, this attitude can be compared with a trip of the dreams that we are planning has some time to put if in this trip we plan to go of car and our car this with a mechanical defect very probably we will not have the carried through one of our dreams. So that carried through ours it is what we dream we must: to 1.Analisar the situation in such a way leading in account the external environment how much the intern (very complex processes or of difficult applications, for example). 2.A definition of the mission of the company or project must in agreement with the vision of the company; to 3.Formular objective you reached. to 4.Formular strategies that primem for simplicity and that they are of easy agreement; 5.Avaliar its possible results the front of the established objectives. The success of carried through of a strategy or the task this very related with the capacity that we have to foresee problems and solutions, I lock up this text with a phrase of Alvin Toffler ‘ ‘ The future is not predetermined. He is, at least in part, subject to our influence. Our interest must be, therefore, to focus previsible futures in such a way how much the ones that are possible and provveis.

European Union Leaders

Some decisions may be adopted for some particular themes, according to a European diplomat, who mentioned the market of insurance contracts against the insolvency of a policyholder’s loans (CDS, Credit default swaps), they failed with the insurer AIG is comments, that although the leaders present at the meeting are, according to all indications, looking for points in common, most perhaps prefer concentrating on own financial issues – according to Richard Marston, finance Professor, Wharton.Marston. I think that each of the countries will return to its own structure regulatory in the coming years. They converse mostly central banks as they always do. But, I cannot guarantee in any way that USA and the countries of the euro area work together to coordinate their policies. Many consider that this Summit does not probably reach expected outcomes, with regard to this, Richard J. Herring, Professor Wharton finance, he says, that the idea of a Summit at this stage is premature and even dangerous, indicates suspicious that leaders worldwide, anxious to show they are doing something, end up acting too fast in creating policies and regulations.

The newly elected President of the United States, Barak Obama refused an invitation from Bush to participate, preferring to find another occasion to meet with world leaders. Says Professor Herring, something that is very true, that Europeans have much to fix in the European Union before reinventing the world financial order. States, the White House has declared, that it expects that meeting leaders draw up some general principles to deal with financial matters, and do not try to fix rigid regulations. One of the most useful principles that could be adopted, says Zandi, would be the beginning of resistance to any protectionist impulse. Precise is that countries share publicly the commitment not to erect barriers to trade and investment, said. I think that’s a legitimate concern. As things become more difficult, will grow on countries political pressure to ensure more protectionist, which would be very counterproductive.


If everything is Illusion Because it granted to God such curse to me? If everything is Illusion Says me then My expensive Qohlet Because me the heart aches? If everything is Illusion Says me that nothing valley the penalty Says me that everything is in goes preces Even though of the Conjunct. You say, Qohlet That everything is Illusion and to run behind the wind. Therefore say I you, I envy it to it Freedom I want to run I want to jump I want to trepar Quero to fall In the Illusion Of Alcanar. I say you, Qohlet That torto also straightens Or forgot that all the Life Is born in spiral, Either Man Plant Or Animal? I say you, Qohlet That also the defective one If can complete God created the certainty But also defective and the alone one fails Who tries to make right. You know the eternity of the heart But you did not feel Therefore yours to know Esterilizou to it your emotion. For thinking excessively it does not check the life That all the day For your hands drained.

You do not see, Qohlet That the words Never are spent Because the Life Says another language Every day? You do not see That the Word Is God and the Sound is the Love? The life is not an ungrateful task That God gave to the men he oppresses and them. How pods such to say? The life is Gratitude, God never would oppress the workmanship of its Creation. For applying so deep Your heart in the knowledge search and wisdom You forgot the joy it to live of each day. You did not perceive, Qohlet That fighting for knowing Fighting for knowing In the End Runs the risk to leave to see? You do not see, Qohlet That the sea is not fulled With the water of the rivers So that the Man Can to each day Saciar its headquarters Of life? Nor the ear, if Never sacia Qohlet Of the Word, the mouth always wants Of new says it, and of each time she is New.


Former: ' ' If who was a bourgeois said this, certainly is engodo' '. That ugly in Mr. Frder 2: Excuse but to corrijir I go you here, of new you generalized, some atheists until can AFFIRM that not it exists arguments nor facts of the god existence, to put what we make is to say that the person who wants that we we believe god, in them it does not bring such item, it can talvs exist you evidence yes, but it presented nobody me. IT DOES NOT GENERALIZE. 3: Again we see the generalization, but we go to evaluate this that it said.

First: which ' ' fatos' ' they are these? Second: I am unaware of duposta fallacy that you GENERALIZED affirming that atheistic we say this when we come across in them with ' ' fatos' ' on the god existence. I know the following fallacy: Ad Argumentum ignorantiam Tentar to prove something from the ignorance how much to its validity. Former: ' ' Nobody obtained to prove that God does not exist; soon, it existe.' ' this goes more beyond, this argument takes off concluzoes of the things for simplismente we not to understand something, or not to know as this happened, associating with god, then vocs summer this in ' ' teoria' ' of it. 4: It generalized, and it said excrement. He forgives the palavro but youngster searches on popperiana science in which we base in them on our theories, and is not pra everybody to leave creating its theory, you probably it must be speaking on the synthetic theory of the evolution or of the theory of big bang, yes these theories are not ours, but nor therefore they are you invalidate fallacy here in (ad Argumentum hominem). 5: Obiviamente this is a belief, but it particularly never does not generalize saying that the atheists believe this, I vi an atheist if it wants to cite this excrement that you spoke, forgiving then me of new the palavro, reviews its concepts! ' ' A philosopher said Joseph de Maistre: ' ' Nobody affirms: God not existe' without before having desired that It not exista' '.

Venezuelans Unemployment

It is regrettable to note, as others exposed their ideas, the crisis of leadership in Venezuela due to that there is not really authentic leaders, which promote a sense of honesty and true tracking able to motivate the population, seeking the integration guarantee democracy, respect and in step with transformations that benefit everyone, without divisions, without generating hatred, grudges. Be present, which can demonstrate that in the year 1998, Venezuelans before the great desire for a change, sought by searching more than a leader to a Messiah who unfortunately says, has failed to seize the opportunity that the people he bequeathed him, hopeful in Venezuela was transformed into a developed country, says the opposite in relation to the political terrain, that today the President has given way to an economic catastrophe, with high unemployment, rapid increase of the economy report, unproductive business divisions history unemployment rate, they manifest some of the participants, in the end the appearance of a scenario with much turbulence in all its aspects. The truth, that the necessity of transformational leaders, says Eduardo Ortiz Ramirez (the national, 24-2-02), that besides a good President, leaders of development are required and where recovery of a strong institutional framework passes through the formation of a number of capable professional politicians and, of course, honest; men who not only are knowledgeable not only politics but also the economy, sociology, endowed with a healthy sense of reality and flexible when dealing with the pluralism of our collective, aspect that manifests itself in our environment. The great task of developing leaders would then be able to create credible and feasible national targets which, based on strategic profiles, they can orient and Excite economic operators and citizens. At least is what is expected in the present, so far this has not been given because there is large gaps in drivers of development in the country and he has done that the crisis currently facing expresses. .


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VMWare Expert Authors New E-book

The essentials series: Tactics in optimizing virtual machine disk IOPS London, July 21, 2011 – realtime publishers, the leading provider of expert, third-party independent content for the IT market has issued a new e-book entitled “tactics in optimizing virtual machine disk IOPS”. Authored by IT expert Greg shields, the e-book covers vital information for any virtual IT environment, with a host of practices to fully achieve at optimized virtual machine. In his e-book, the author Greg Shields IT whose expertise spans 15 years and is a multiple recipient of Microsoft “Most Valuable Professional” award as well as VMware’s vExpert award comments: “disk optimization in virtual environments is absolutely a necessary activity. That optimization comes in many forms. “A proper design goes far in ensuring hardware is ready to support the IOPS demand of needy VMs. correctly configuring those VMs during operations represents another facet.” The free e-book is intended to show how a bad design combined with incorrect VM configurations can be detrimental to performance and hinder VM disk I / O. Thomas Doria, new business development manager at Diskeeper Corporation Europe comments: “this e-book is a vital tool for today’s IT consultant currently immersed in the field of virtualization.” “It gives IT admins to excellent overview and understanding of two major areas: poor practices that hinder VM disk IOPS and defining requirements for a VM disk optimization solution.” To download the new e-book click here about Diskeeper Corporation – Microsoft Gold partner innovators in performance and reliability technologies : CIOs, IT managers, and system administrators of global Fortune 1000 and Forbes 500 enterprises rely on Diskeeper performance software to provide unparalleled performance and reliability to their business laptops, desktops and servers. Diskeeper 2011 includes the breakthrough IntelliWrite fragmentation prevention technology.

V-locity 2.0 virtual platform disk optimizer for VMware ESX and Hyper-V eliminates the barriers to full virtual efficiency and maximum I/O performance on virtual server. Diskeeper Corporation further provides real time data protection and real time data recovery with undelete data recovery software ( InvisiTasking technology enables any process to run completely invisibly in the background, fully tapping the power of otherwise unused idle resources ( Media contact for immediate release contact: Dorian Culmer email: phone: + 44 (0) 1293-763-060

The Time

Before the company if considering to terceirizar some half activity, it must be evaluated and to define if this is considered half activity. If by chance the act of contract if to destine to carry through activity end, will be the service borrower subject to filing for the Ministry of the Work; labor claim and absence of previdencirio insurance in case of accidents. (VIANA, 2010). Of the corporative point of view, as I castrate (2000), for activity-end the doctrine has understood that essential to the corporate object of the company, on to its main end, or, still, directed to its economic objective, activity for which was created and organized, placing personal, costs and defining the tasks. In the practical one, due to enterprise dynamics, it is difficult to distinguish clearly the activities half from the activities end, this due to technology and the development of the modern world, an activity that was essential can becomes mere accessory. Miraglia (2008) considers that the distinction between these activities is important, therefore is forbidden the terceirizao of activity-end of the company, this if it would confuse fraud to the Right of the Work, beyond wounding the beginning of protection the worker. For the author, it means that the substitution of permanent staff and the extraordinary addition of service in both cases, are possible that the executed temporary services correspond to the activity-end of the company. The biggest difference between the temporary work and the too much species of working terceirizao is the express permission in Law 6,019/74 of the configuration of pessoalidade and subordination of third before the contracting enterprise. The process of terceirizao in an organization must take in account diverse factors of interest, such as the reduction of costs and mainly the focus in its activity-end. It has a serious risk in atrelar the terceirizao to the cost reduction, because, most of the time, the result is not this.

The Hamburg

Overall, it is expected that the B2C E-commerce is clearly breaking growth in the product range in the years following 2011. Online sales between 2007 and 2011 with well over a third of a year, grew it to increase in the period between 2011 and 2016 to less than 10 per cent in the year. While the proportion of Internet users of the population in 2011 rose over three quarters, less than half of all people living in Austria shopped online. “Frequently online shoppers in Austria bought in the second quarter of 2012 clothing and sporting goods” and travel accommodations and other travel arrangements “on the Internet. The highest B2C E-commerce sales in, as well as the lists of genera and list. Also, the British clothing retailer marks & Spencer launched its online shop in Austria in October 2012. E-Commerce and mobile shopping with sales increase in the growth of B2C online sales in the Switzerland Switzerland was in the year 2011 at a low double-digit percentage range. The total number of Internet users in the Switzerland rises as slowly but steadily as their percentage of the population.

The growth rate is not very high. Ensures sales growth in Switzerland the growing popularity of mobile shopping, where more and more increasing the popularity of mobile Internet sites. The international competition on the Swiss online market has increased in the year 2012. The low language barrier attracting mainly German provider. “” The best-selling online products come from the categories of travel and hotels “, books and magazines” clothes”and digital media”. The marketplace and the electronics retailer could 2011 in the Switzerland high revenue realized.

Also in terms of the popularity of Ricardo in the customer’s favor was right up front, here however followed by Amazon. The report Central Europe B2C E-Commerce report 2012 “by shows the differences and similarities of B2C E-commerce in Germany, Austria and of Switzerland. So achieve generalists such as Amazon and Otto especially in Germany and Austria high online sales. In the Switzerland and Germany is also mobile shopping gaining in popularity. For more information about the report, see: press contact: GmbH & co. KG Behringstrasse 28a, D-22765 Hamburg phone: + 49 (0) 40-39 90 68 50 fax: + 49 (0) 40-39 90 68 51 E-Mail: Internet: Twitter: ystats LinkedIn: company/ystats Facebook: ystats about since 2005 researched current, objective and requirement-oriented market and competitive intelligence for executives from different industries. The Hamburg-based company with an international orientation focuses on the secondary market research. offers both market – and competition reports as well as customized research services. Customers include leading companies in the areas of B2C E-Commerce, electronic payment systems, mail order and direct marketing, logistics, banks and Management consultancies.