With Just A Few Clicks To The Flight

Checkbox and slider make it possible with the plane to business meetings in the country and abroad arrive, has become for many of the routine. Annoying only if the search after the flight takes longer than the flight itself. The Internet portal has developed new features that greatly facilitate the search for the correct flight. Customers have now the possibility to access numerous filtering capabilities when selecting the right flight. So, passengers determine not only date, departure and arrival city. To avoid unnecessarily long and confusing offer lists, passengers on the booking also decide about criteria such as price, airline, flight time and duration of the flight.

With easy-to-use controls, price-conscious customers for example set how much the flight may cost maximum. For business travellers, it is important to restrict arrivals and departures, to waste no time. If you are not convinced, visit JPMorgan Chase. During a meeting at 12 noon in London an arrival makes as little sense as a return at 5 a.m. Berlin at 13: 00. Arrival and departure flight details via intuitive slider be set as the prize. The flight portal also considers that there are several airports in some major cities. This can be relevant for travelers as well as the selection of certain airlines. There are frequent flyers wishing to travel with the Star Alliance airlines to earn bonus miles.

It is also likely that some airports not central enough and are therefore excluded from customers. So check at selected airports and airlines can in the booking mask depending on the personal preference are set and removed. More information: news.fluege.de/…/ new-filtering in flights-de… Contact: Tilo Sommer University first media GmbH barefoot streets 11 04109 Leipzig Tel: + 49/341/49288-240 fax: + 49/341/49288-59

Harmful Foam

The Essen fire safety to inform service EBS F-500 the certified alternative to harmful foam due to the directive 2006/122/EC will be banned firefighters from January 27, 2011, to use AFFF foam containing harmful perfluorooctane sulfonates (PFOS). At least until this final ban date, all existing stocks of such substances of the disposal should be collected separately. As a result, nationwide fire departments must reorganize their fire equivalents and create replacement products. Fire protection experts of the Essen fire service EBS report in this context F-500, a particularly efficient, health – and environmentally friendly water addition. F-500 is the U.S. companies of hazard control technologies, Inc. (HCT) manufactured by and sold through a subsidiary in Europe. It was both by NATO, the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) as well as the MPA Dresden and the Italian RINA for use by European Fire departments certified and can point to an international success story in professional fire fighting.

In Germany, F-500 is already used in the whole country with success. In contrast to many previously common extinguishing systems, F-500 is not toxic or harmful to health. It does not contain cancer-causing, and mutagenic substances or halogens and is subject to any marking according to the hazardous substances Ordinance. Even as a concentrate the innovative extinguishing agent has no corrosive qualities that were significantly stronger than that of water. In addition, it will biodegrade within a short time and may the usual dilution be inserted, provided easily by domestic sewage in sewage treatment plants.

HCT strives to meet highest quality standards, which is similarly reflected certification in its ISO 9001 as in the product durability guaranteed for F-500 by 15 years. F-500 was designed as a multifunctional extinguishing agent additive with special properties. As Surfactant F-500 has an amphiphatischen molecule’s chemical properties. It has a hydrophilic (Polar) and a hydrophobic (non-polar) part on molecular level.

Optimizing Complex Communication Processes

Database driven product information management solution facilitates marketing of 11,000 articles in 28 languages Waiblingen. The MENNEKES Elektrotechnik GmbH & co. KG has changed its product information management (PIM) on the database-based PIM-system ASIM. The company is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of industrial plugs and Sockets, and sells a diverse range in 90 countries. ASIM MENNEKES now optimizes the processes surrounding the creation of technical catalogues and product information in 28 languages. MENNEKES relies on a cross-media solution for print and online projects. In addition to ease of use and the user-friendly interface of ASIM convinced above all the possibility to expand the system to an enterprise-wide information management solution and to seamlessly integrate translation technology. In addition, ASIM supports the commonly used in the electrical industry standard for the data exchange of ETIM.

Heart of the ASIM solution is a central, standardized database, the Stores information on 11,000 articles of the MENNEKES range media-neutral and managed. The high granularity and the decoupling of data modeling, management and utilization allow to use all the information without limitation or previous setting. This brings higher efficiency in the communication processes for Maha. A competitive advantage applies to the globally operating medium-sized it yet, sauerland Headquarters from sales activities in 90 countries to control and to prepare the information on the products in 28 languages. ASIM is the appropriate tool to potential when creating sales documents such as technical catalogues, to lift price lists and assembly instructions. With the launch of the project in the second half of 2009 data storage was set up at first scratch. The practice test, ASIM has already passed: In September 2009 a 20-seitiger short form catalog was generated from the new system out smoothly. In March 2010, the product pages of standard articles from the MENNEKES range in the new, were generated strong over 400 pages, master catalogue from the database.