
But, to occur compensation, the interest has that to be extended not to impactar in the private availability of resources. Who loses in this economy is who does not have capital to invest in headings that are paid for these interests. In this in case that, it increases the demand for paid headings for high taxes of interests, reducing the level of economic investment and the generation of job and income. This looking at for the side of the private demand for resources. Looking at for the optics of the state.

An increase in the tributes raises the saving of the government and to have compensation, increases the governmental expenses depending on the reply of the private economy, therefore the balance curve is: S (Y? T)? I (r) = (T? G). That the government, since extended saving, only must raise the expenses with investment, since the private initiative is immovable in this dynamics. Its internal absorption was reduced and grew the demand for public headings, since the definition of the interests is one politics of state. There that the problem is born. The government raised the public investment to support the rise of the demand added for the service Brazilian aviary? Unhappyly not. The inverse one occurred. The government more still raised expenses of expenditure, inhibiting the private sector that, without mobility, extended the search for more attractive public headings each time. With the easiness in the private payments to buy tickets (being able to be divided without interests even in 10 times), the layer of the population poor, that suffers with the rise of the interests, consumed this service and reduced without well-being with magnifying of the debts.

The government alavancou the demand added without raising offers, extended the credits for indebtedness and reduced the private saving. In such a way, in a more closed market and with a curve of it offers unchanged, the demand will harm the market economy, since it was extended, for rise of the prices practised in this service. It is as soon as are born the inflations that we live at the moment. It are other aggregate factors that influence the prices for top.