Federal Network Agency

If content providers could determine the prices, it wasn’t the dog discussion”, emphasizes Zilles. Mobile operators were in partial premiums of up to 2000%. “That the Federal Network Agency as guardian of the numbers” proceedings against Deutsche Bahn initiated, he welcomed because it indicates only the price of seconds by three cents instead of the minute price of 1.80 euros other than provided for in the Telecommunications Act. Actually, the Federal Network Agency could indeed produce equal opportunities. But on the train, there is always considerable discomfort for at least two years, because these tariffs for telephone services not or insufficiently give. Here, we wish stringently approach. Many other providers sufficient small violations deprived to get to numbers, “so his criticism of the Bonn authorities.

We would wish that here would measured with same dimension and the Federal Network Agency titled mobile more would devote”called Jude. They would hang the little ones and you run the large. Now whole volumes can be filled with the violations of Mehdorn group. But hardly any interventions, except a few nice letters come from the Federal Network Agency. Private providers regulators crushes the numbers and causes attacks”, the NEXT ID head on demand of NeueNachricht criticized. He sees a conceivable model in the neighbouring country.

In Austria, the retail tariffs in principle are equal, for example, two euro for a service. Thereof remain from the final customer tariff of 15 to 20 percent with the operator, both in the fixed network as in the mobile phone. For the same performance claim up to 52 per cent’ the mobile operator in Germany, he explains the discrepancy. “In other words, when the Austrian model has a clear statement of the price the consumer and know what’s coming to him, no matter whether he’s calling from a landline or mobile phone.