Florida University

Any action that we want to develop must be always related to a concept that goes with the idea that we want to convey. But how is this done?Today we leave you a few good tips which you will need to use during the process of creating your idea. 1 Tell me who is your target, but please, tuned to the maximum.The main thing, and more important is to make a perfect x-ray of your target audience. He studied their preferences, their tastes, their desires. Know it will allow you to develop a successful and correct message. 2 Seeking differentiation in the promise.

Do not seek a niche, create it.The media have changed, creativity has changed, the consumer is no longer the same. Search concepts which do not exist, that are innovative, find a free hollow and delve. So just get a difference over the rest and your audience will know to appreciate it. 3. We are always alert to new opportunities.Any opportunity, provided it is consistent with our brand and our goal is worth us for the creation of a new concept: a new song of success? a movie? a new medium? some discovery? Anything goes, creativity has no limits but that Yes, work it! An example would be the Florida University that, faced with the pull of the famous reality television generation Ni-ni knew how to run a campaign with the slogan: my generation is lost or wasting your time and start your web page with the name 4.

Not to differentiation by differentiation.Before new media congestion and the desire of companies to offer discounts, promotions, and actions that lead to the acquisition of new customers, often runs the risk of finish being as they are the others, without offering a differential value that allows your audience to know you easily. The differentiation is not do different things without background, search options logical and consistent with your brand, and above all, and very important, accompanied by a good creativity. 5. Give a role active consumer. the consumer loves live the brand! You want to be part of your actions, you want to speak and be heard. A good example of online marketing was the campaign by catching it immersive. Here you have the link so you can enjoy your wonderful creativity. 6 We generate contents.We are attentive to the needs that may arise, and from there, we generate contents that are attractive, and if they can become news much better. For example, do you remember people Miravete campaign saw? That town in which never nothing happens, through a good media strategy, on and off line got in only 3 days 29,000 visits to its web site and on the fourth day it was news in the media. In addition, the knowledge of the people grew to more than 400%.