French Revolution

Of the height of the iluminismo, the education became one of the necessary and indispensable instruments for the transformation of the society in all the levels. On behalf of the progress, the public school appeared since this period, as an essential component for evolution of any society established human being. Thus, among others facts the French Revolution had an important paper in the diffusion of the progress idea, even so knows that with it the predominncia of the alienation became stronger. Therefore the mentally ill character of the school clearly is certified when of the enfadonha repetition of concepts and formulas, of the power of the imposition of ideas, of the classrooms of pupils lined up in permanent obedience to the professor that in turn is mere executor of projects and activities that are deposited in the pupils. Still in century XVIII the monitorial or lancasteriano method is spread out, created for Joseph Lancaster and prevailed until century XIX when it was substituted by the Taylorismo. The monitorial method was established in the exploitation of the pupils more advanced as assistant of the professor, where rigid norms were established, rigorous disciplines and the hierarquizada distribution of the pupils seated in banks made use in an only space. The professor remained itself in a species of ' ' pedestal' ' had the function of supervision of all the room and in special of the monitors. The pertaining to school education was domination factor collaborating in the construction of an obedient man and submisso.

Although the social transformations and of the school, we know that very still we have to conquer. Of certain it forms traditional education still it prevails in the majority of the schools, searchs an education for the democratic life where the man is capable to create and to transform its world in favor of the humanity. With the advance in the development of the technologies, – the sprouting of new educative necessities.