Insurance 2020 – How Are We Be Insured?

Experts discuss future insurance options. 2012 several experts about trends, issues and need for reform in the German health insurance system have debated at the capital Convention under the title health insurance 2020, how are we in future insured?”. Most of them do not believe that the citizens insurance will come. Even by 2020 there are trends of statutory and private health insurance which is currently much criticized private Krankenversicherung (PKV). Although there is a great need for reform, only very few experts in the capital city Congress believed in June 13, 2012, the early introduction of citizens insurance. In the coming years, three trends will determine the German health insurance system, said Prof. J.-Matthias Graf von der Schulenburg from the Research Centre for health economics at the Leibniz University of Hanover.

He predicted more competition in the health insurance market, harmonisation of statutory health insurance and the car, as well as more private provision. Problems and reform needs GKV and PKV currently have the legal and the panelists at the capital city Congress noted 2012 to fight, the private health insurance with very similar problems. To the statutory health insurance funds as well as private insurance companies would have to provide more and more older insured, need more and more services. The other GKV and PKV faced with rising health-care costs through medical progress. Due to these problems, a competition between two systems in some ways is necessary to maintain the services in health care for the citizens.

However, many panelists saw an urgent need for reform. In the year 2020, there will no longer be the car in its present form, the experts said. Compare the offerings of GKV and PKV for consumers the health insurance market is opaque now in many places, why the insurers should be even stronger than pilots for its members working according to the experts. It is currently for policyholders and insurance-interested advisable, through an independent insurance specialist to the advantages and disadvantages of individual offers advice to leave. The citizens can perform a detailed comparison of the performance but first simply and conveniently online here. C. Gorner