Professors And Parents

It is in this point, that the reading must be stimulated by professors and parents, therefore is in a funnier and different way that, the knowledge and the way to think, to act and to reflect of the child goes if arising and extravasando for beyond the walls of a school. CONCLUSION the analysis of data was elaborated, from the process of collection of the same ones, where it was used closed questionnaire with some justified questions. The analysis was made through graphs and commentaries. The amostral population is considerably restricted, the questionnaire was applied for pedagoga, coordinator and two teachers who are in the room with the children, however, were of utmost importance for the results. She initiates yourself, therefore the first question.

1) Which was the reaction of the children by means of, to the first contact with the presence of the components of the group of pupils of psychology? Considerably the first contact, was conturbado for the pupils whom never contact had had, and more still for the children who saw its ' ' mundinho' ' to be invaded by the pupils. Data demonstrated through the graph. Graf 1: It demonstrates to the reaction of the children to the first contact the commentary made for the amostral population defines the unpreparedness of the pupils in the initial contact justified by the experience lack, beyond the aversivo behavior of the children, due to unreliability that the new brings in this age, is evidenced through the theory of Piaget, where mainly in infancy, one ' ' new objeto' ' of knowledge it brings a desequilibrao, until this child obtains to assimilate and to balance itself again, it searchs the biggest number of information on ' ' new objeto' ' , proving through this theory, the contacts that if had followed had been more satisfactory, and they had shown to greater income.