Student Exchange

International experience parallel to school & study must have! Can you finance it at all? So I could not afford that! Sets with envy factor, who know the most foreign designers. So the ‘year abroad’ breaks no great financial hole in the wallet, you should research at an early stage. Numerous funding programs of the State and the EU, but also of foundations, universities and associations support the funding of training stays abroad. International Student Exchange: If you’re planning a school abroad, should contact the competent BAfoG Office. You are entitled to foreign BAfoG, get financial support in the form of grant aid. These grants can get for travel expenses, living expenses, rent and health insurance, regardless of in which host country visiting the school.

The BAfoG-submission must be made before the start of the high school year. Language: Also for language courses worldwide is worth is the search for grants or financial support. The gifted education programs of the EU, the international training and development of gGmbH (InWent) are responsible, among others, that also language courses abroad are affordable. It is important that the language studies abroad has a reference to personal training, otherwise it looks like stealth holiday. Internship: For the financial support of the internship in Europe the ‘ ERASMUS and Leonardo programmes include da Vinci’ responsible. About the foreign BAfoG funded placements worldwide. There are also a number of smaller programmes which finance abroad. Study abroad: the funding for a study period of one or two semesters are varied.

The odds on a promotion with each semester that you already studied in Germany. It is generally difficult to get promoted to a fulltime abroad. The most important funding programmes are ERASMUS programme for Europe as well as the foreign BAfoG and the DAAD for the study abroad around the world. Here, too, there are a number of smaller programmes that help finance the study period abroad. The timely application of funding is crucial in all programmes. Therefore you should inform himself at the same time in the research about the application deadlines. More tips and information to promote abroad: info/alien/foreign financing the bildungsdoc network wants to arouse more curiosity on education among citizens and convey topic education easier, more understandable and more relaxed. The message: investments in education pay off for every citizen and the private club for more responsibility in personal education planning makes the difference. The State can also ensure only a basic service in education, as in many other areas. On the site of the bildungsdoc network, an education search is also”integrates, in the Educators, education consultant and partner in education can enter with their profile.