Paul Eisel

And there was soldier of fortune, who put themselves, lured by salary allowances and benefits of career, in the new countries and playful confidence. The interweaving of the history of the air force with the all over Germany is clear also on the exhibit level: SED-side requested hate education against the enemy in the West (manuals, training materials, poster) had internalized not everyone in the GDR (letters from soldiers, Stasiberichte). And yet she had to be left all behind (listening stations 3-5). The superiority propaganda of the NVA (pressure suit by Sigmund Jahn) led to illusions that had burst the mass retirement of the old military material by the Bundeswehr (amateur film by NVA pilot from the fall of 1990). But even before the end of the GDR many had believed not the propaganda of superiority. The painting of pressure suit”by Paul Eisel hangs at the transition from the first cube to the labyrinth in a line of sight with the pressure suit by Sigmund Jahn.

The continuing holding Visitors becomes clear: the artist painted a picture on behalf of the NVA, which could be only an ironic commentary on the current state in 1988/89. Bobby Kotick pursues this goal as well. The history exhibition to an exhibition of photographs of the Ostkreuz graduates Caroline Wagner and Sarah Kindermann is complemented. The young photographers went 20 years after German reunification on searching for clues, in which she photographed the witnesses of the history exhibition and former airfields of the NVA. Open views of the here and now ‘, as Behrendt says. The portraits of his contemporaries to invite to the unbiased consideration. This must be passed here: the successful exhibition is absolutely worth a visit not only for school classes. F new

Internet Service

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Goodbye Many

Some, which were significant and which are never forgotten, there certainly will be for everything you represented in our personal growth even in the spiritual encounters bequeathed us great teachings, moments of happiness, give us the opportunity to share, evaluate the importance of knowing will integrate, appreciate the opportunity of life and share it. There are others, which were closed from the time we say goodbye, and that somehow also gave us something, especially everything concerning our emotions, feelings relationships, sociability. Not surprising that for many the past has been very significant in your life and even the present remember these encounters, their actors, stage and retain nostalgia, probably from what we experienced and phrases are heard as: If the past to the present, would feel the passion of love; but this time I would remind live with more excess and without so many questions. If the past to the present, would lose his sanity, to recover in some Bridge, on the verge of disappearance. There are people like Professor Jose Antonio Ortega which reads as follows: are going or returning, maybe a problem of sentimental geography between the ground bouncing and the homeland that receives; What complicated raise things from two perspectives, from this land and from the other side of the ocean, from the memories lived here and life left there; They will be or returning, to decide the feeling of each according to what most speak, according to what most call the heart. It seems that it is time to say goodbye, say goodbye, give hugs, applause, finally, fulfill the ritual that indicates that it is the end of a stage of life. Everything seemed so easy and possible to be all stored in a word: Goodbye!. But no, the issue is more complicated and simpler, bachelor parties have that complex simplicity of endings that do not just and the expectation of a home that still fails, however, is sensing and is latent in this space that farewell and return confused. The fact, that many of us has touched us give life to fleeting encounters, others longer, depending on how we handle them and meant for us, the important thing is have you profited when this original author and source of the article were given.