First Class Resumes!

When writing a resume, the fifth possible ERROR is typos! Always use the spell checker on your computer! If you can not dial the correct working position, how will the job? Errors Spelling is a big hassle for the person reading your resume. You do not want to irritate him / her even before an interview is granted. How to write a resume-ERROR # 6 NEVER sell yourself SHORT! Make emphasis on their skills, talents and accomplishments. Especially if they relate to the position you are seeking. Develop the skills most applicable to the exact task you are requesting. How to write a resume-ERROR # 7 Do not leave out INFORMATIO N RELEVANT! In writing about his earlier works, be sure to include your location. Do not skip the cities and regions that have previously worked. Ca “ERROR RESUME WRITING MO # 8 Avoid using words weak! As the account of his previous jobs, try using the word eworku in moderation.

This is a weak, passive verb, and applies to a wide range of tasks. Everyone ‘works’, but perhaps has been “implemented” or “collaboration”, such words sound much more impressive. Ca “ERROR RESUME WRITING MO # 9 Do not create a CENSUS! Is more common and accepted, that does not use profile information. The information that they should set aside are high, weight, age, date of birth, sex, marital status, race and personal health information. Also to be omitted are controversial issues, such as, political and religious affiliations.

Ca “ERROR RESUME WRITING MO # 10 NOT to overlook his reputation” N! Who will answer for you? Whether to include personal and professional references, make sure that the list of people who will give you a brilliant recommendation. The best reference would be a leader in the industry you are applying for, or in another highly respected professional. Try using only the persons mentioned his best attributes. It is also recommended to contact the person who will serve as a benchmark to ensure that the information you provide about yourself is just first class.