Person Leadership

The reality of big challenges, changes and opportunities given the economic scenarios, demand from a new management to end lidrazgo ensure participation, otherwise, don’t count on it is very negative for companies, is when weighs not having good leaders, ccambios generators, the not having them prepared to ensure a good turnout of companies before the great opportunities that are occurring. All this leads to the following question 8 ipregunta.-analyze the importance, antecedent, scope, impact, obstacles, of the Venezuelan managerial leadership and its main errors. RESPONSE definitions leadership or leadership means status or quality of leader. It could also be defined as the ability to influence others to do things. Leader: Person who directs or drag a group.

The leader provides the cohesion necessary to carry out the purposes of the group. The remote control is not an individual phenomenon but the result of social interactions. Manager: which directs a company or firm employed. The leader usually choose him according to many attributes of their personality, works in favor of their constituents, their followers, not by a single interest, management, on the contrary does it for the Organization ensuring the interests of this. Background: At the end of the century XVIII came the Industrial Revolution, where transformations occurred in the manufacturing processes, through the introduction of more advanced machinery, which allowed a significant increase in production mainly in the textile sector, which accounted for the appearance of the proletariat (working class) and the rise of an industrial bourgeoisie. At this time arises the managerial leadership where organizations were hierarchical and bureaucratic and the Manager shape to panificar, control, sorting and predict while workers limited to perform the tasks that were sorted them. Venezuela, country with a predominantly oil economy entered in the modern industrial world when it began exporting its oilfield in 1917. In the 1920s starts massive use of the automobile and this increased demand for oil.