Knowledge, ensuring the Bachelor of administration play according to demands that the present demands. It is necessary to recover the course lost, interpret the basic requirements that the claims to the national stage, it is a consequence that its authorities, some teachers have anchored in the old paradigms, lack of experience, provide few modern knowledge, are absent from the behavior, changes in the markets, where are offered competitive products guaranteed by its quality and able to meet the real needs of consumers. Definitely, need schools be also fully identified with its social responsibility, maintain a very proactive role with regard to the community, more than there are a trend toward socialism. that requires another managerial style. You must highlight the relevance of the research, make the participants to make use of it, giving answer to the main problems than on these aspects are occurring, schools must empathize, collaborate with government programs that will enable them to make maximum use of their productive capacities, linked to new commercial openings that the Government is generatingbe more proactive in marketing their products and services, integrated into the foreign trade policy and offer their products in international markets.
Necessary once and for all, that the academic authorities of the educational management of schools of management, its optimum performance in the country worry in: develop leadership and teamwork, basic driving skills and manage multidisciplinary teams of participants who graduate and form in counting schools with a plant of teachers with coarse knowledge of modern administrative topics, covered in addition to experience, professional practice. Enhanced capacity of systematic, qualitative and quantitative analysis of the situation of the company, through the use of conceptual frameworks and tools most widely accepted in the business world. Let your participants know applying knowledge to strategically analyze business opportunities, promoting the initiative and skills for the development of plausible and viable ventures. Enhance the ability to make complex decisions and implement them in environments of risk and uncertainty. Alumni administrators, who can collaborate with entrepreneurs in business incubation development favouring productivity, the birth of new SMEs.Giving way to the birth of companies who know the challenges, opportunities and ensure operability and productivity, more linked colleges of administration, companies and State in order to know how to seize opportunities, reinforce the formation of professional management that needs. environment-empresarial.