The Capacity

As it shows the data below, a behavior of accented dependence in relation to the transferences, throughout the period in detriment of the capacity of proper collection of the cities. TABLE 1. Degree of dependence (%) of the cities of the RN (2001-2007) PERIOD EXTRACT I EXTRACT II EXTRACT III EXTRACT IV 2001 90.17% 90.12% 86.23% 88.74% 2002 91.82% 96.68% 82.48% 90.17% 2003 97.83% 102.53% 90.62% 101.41% 2004 95.82% 100.03% 89.30% 99.39% 2005 96.98% 103.26% 91.57% 100.05% 2006 91.63% 96.66% 89.73% 97.72% 2007 93.14% 98.79% 88.84% 100.99% AVERAGE 93.91% 98.29% 88.40% 96.92% CONCLUSIONS The gotten results show the generation of microcities, without scale of efficiency, many of which privileged with quotas of transference, however without results of operation and stimulatons for exploration of, bases taxes and of proper collection. pointers had demonstrated an accented behavior of dependence with regard to the transferences, in about 100% what sample that almost the totality of the resources tributaries is proceeding from federal transferences and inefficiency in the formation of proper resources, in the same way that the analyzed cities had presented low degree of proper support, mainly in the small cities. Finally, a quandary was verified, of the effort of the great cities in exploration of proper resources, the increasing of the public services and budgetary insufficiences and rise of index of poverty if compared increase with the small cities. On the other hand, the transferences oppose the efforts of the microcities, in the collection of resources proper tributaries, that it shows in to its I privilege it composition to receive quotas significant, not in the form of reduction of inaqualities, or increase of the efficiency of the operation of public machine and yes the operative use of allotment criteria, where it could be thought about efficiency criteria that the main economic pointers could better and thus to reduce the adverse effect caused by the transference and the regressividade tax.