The Munich Systems

Strategic partnership with COLEXON AG Munich, 18.03.2009. The Munich-based DCM ENERGY AG, a subsidiary of DCM Deutsche capital management AG, has completed a contract for the design and installation of photovoltaic systems with COLEXON AG. Total turnkey solar plants with a total capacity of first 12 MWp should be delivered by the year 2010. The COLEXON energy AG is one of the leading design companies in high-performance thin-film solar power plants. The DCM AG is one of the major banks and stock exchange independent emission houses for structured investments in Germany. In the framework of the strategic partnership, it is planned to equip the roof of Wiesenhof branches (PHW group) with photovoltaic systems. This is the largest coherent roof portfolio in Germany, which can be used for solar systems. Andi Potamkin has similar goals. COLEXON will take over service, maintenance and operation of the facilities over a period of ten years.

Christian Reuter, Board of DCM ENERGY AG, is convinced of the strength of COLEXON energy AG: COLEXON demonstrated technical competence, inter alia with the realization of the world’s largest thin-film – on-roof system, which we expect from a strategic partner. Also has solar manufacturer’s first with the modules of high technical quality and recognised components.” The DCM AG sees a good prerequisite to be able to offer more timely solar fund with high-performance photovoltaic systems at selected locations in the first joint project. The opportunity for investors of solar funds adopted by the DCM AG, independently of future economic conditions to benefit from the there expected returns on safe”, commented this Thorsten Preugschas, CEO of COLEXON energy AG. Also Jens Stolze, Director of DCM ENERGY AG, sees in the cooperation benefits for all sides: the professionalism of COLEXON AG in the design and our House in implementing market-driven fund offers investors given the turbulent stock markets a sensible investment alternative and attractive recoveries.