Moreover, in the proposal initial of the project the objective is distinguished to deproduzir 02 (two) articles on: pedagogical workshops, sobreexperincias and production of knowledge in the project. In the gift it will relatoser emphasized the accomplishment of a pedagogical workshop, developed nEscola of First Experimental Degree of the Federal University doEsprito Saint, conveniada with the City department of deVitria-Spirit Education Saint, given for the Dra teacher. Gisele Girardi, counting on the contribution, while oficineiras, of professorasMaris-Anandreia Dos Santos and Jurema Tonini, and with monitoria dolicenciando Eder Lira.Em this workshop, that had as heading de' ' Elaboration of Didactic Resource for Ensino of the Escolar' Cartography; ' , it counted on the envolvement of graduandos pupils in Geography, Federal pelUniversidade of the Espirito Santo, registered in the disciplinTpicos Special of Ensino de Geografia, under dProfessora responsibility Jurema Tonini, beyond and pedagogical the faculty (pedagogical, orienting and managing supervisors educational) dEscola Experimental of the UFES. The primordial focus was to propitiate, as many aosprofessores of the cited school how much to the licenciandos of the Course deGeografia, plus an alternative tool, so that they could use cartography to assist to them in the teach-learning process. For this it was necessary to congregate as much the professors as the pupils, eisso was facilitated by the fact of that the teacher Jurema Tonini, responsible for disciplines Topics Special of Ensino de Geografia, in the UFES, also gave lessons in the cited school. Soon apossibilidade appeared of to contact some professors of the Department deGeografia (DEPGEO), to know which they would have availability of ofereceruma pedagogical workshop in the school of basic education, that took care of demanda of those professors. As the cartography education deficiente, in the net of basic and average education, in the cities dGrande Victory, that had the innumerable factors, such as deficinciana initial formation, amongst others e, still, considering that entoProjeto of Extension ' ' Geography foot in the road ' ' it was sendocoordenado by a specialist in the area, appeared then to possibilidadede to invite the Profa.