Also on the road always easy information access to suitable to the long-awaited launch of Apple iPads in Germany MicroStep industry is now – the B2B Portal for metal industry and Maschinenbaufur the best use on Tablet PCs optimized. The B2B distinguished himself before portal by its high usability, because where lose themselves to other Internet portals in cascades of divisions and the users quickly lose patience in finding, MicroStep industry is simply intuitive and easy to use map of the registered companies in industries and categories for each user by its clear and concise structure and the. Beautifully integrated modules products, services, real estate, job offers and pre-owned design on Tablet PCs. The MicroStep industry Portal there to go easy with one finger between the categories and jump and just compare for example products of from different manufacturers. Who comes here on something interesting, can go on the iPad screen with just one click instantly access the contact data stored in the portal of the concerned company and online make a request to the correct contact person. With the expansion of the MicroStep industry business networks will be networked in the future all industrial sectors and other special applications, as the members for example apps for iPhone and iPad, follow, with which at any time and from anywhere on the network can communicate with each other. MicroStep industry – the B2B Portal for the metal industry is the new platform for business partners in the area of the metal industry.
Metalworking and processing companies, manufacturers, suppliers & distributors as well as contract manufacturer and other service providers and organizations can act as seller and buyer in interaction and establish contacts with each other. On MicroStep industry B2B for the metal industry can be found exclusively companies and contacts that are part of the respective branch of industry. With the creation of this portal, the idea has been implemented, platforms for business-to-business Activities to create, which are specifically tailored to the individual sectors of the economy. MicroStep trade s. r. o. initiator and operator of this portal is MicroStep Europa GmbH is an official partner.