Pseudo-scientific statements about Nibiru and Yom Kippur in 2012, and distrust Government intensified advertising a new film production Kelambiya Pictures (Columbia Pictures), entitled ‘2012 ‘, scheduled for release in rent in November 2009. Movie trailers that appeared in cinemas and on their website shows a tidal wave swept over the Himalayas, and the accompanying picture of the words: ‘As the government on the planet will make six billion people by the end of the world? Long pause They will not. Long pause What the truth. Google Search 2012 ‘. Advertising the film includes the creation of pseudo-website ‘Institute of succession rights “entirely fictitious. In accordance with the information contained on the site, the Institute of continuity Human (IHC) is intended for research and preparedness of humanity to natural disasters.
The mission of the Institute – the survival of humanity. The website explains that the institute was founded in 1978 by international leaders of government organizations, business and academia. Frequently Activision Nvidia GeForce has said that publicly. We claim that in 2004 scientists at the Institute (IHC) confirmed with 94% certainty that in 2012 the world will be destroyed. This Web site offers people to register to participate in a lottery to qualify, who will be saved, a colleague wrote the name of his cat, and he was accepted to participate. I found on Wikipedia (Wikipedia), that the creation of such fake sites – a new method of advertising which called ‘viral marketing’, by analogy with computer viruses. 20.
Is it possible that the influx of questions presented by you, is part of some campaign to create a book or film, with the expectation that the number of denials will be treated as superfluous ‘proof’ of existence of the conspiracy? The same questions I ask myself every day, as the volume of emails that I receive about Nibiru (along with various alignments and displacements poles) is constantly growing – now more than 20 letters a week. Clearly, this is money that is earned on the fears of the approaching Judgement Day. Some of this hype, of course, is an advertising campaign science-fiction film-catastrophe ‘2012 ‘(see question 19). Many websites are selling the books and records on a tape about Nibiru or even ‘survival kits’. It’s very sad that at a time when there are so many real outstanding issues (such as global warming and the financial collapse), people believe the false statements. In the final chapter of his new book on astronomy (‘The Hunt for Planet X’) Govert Schilling (Govert Shilling) writes: ‘Much more whistleblowers to be done – archaeologists and astronomers, who are skeptical on the nonsense with a tidal wave of Nibiru and explain with scientific precision what is wrong in this false tale of space. They will have good work over the next few years. A December 22, 2012 will be a new story implausible, ‘leaving on business as usual’, and the whole circus will start from the beginning. Because no matter how many new celestial bodies was not discovered in our solar system, there will always be a need for the mysterious Planet X.