Resume Music

The well used voice in the classroom provides to rich musical experience and the execution of activities that do not need none another material resource. According to Fields (2001, P. 33) & ldquo; The learning involves the use and the development of them to be able, capacities, potentialities of the man, physical, how much in such a way mental and afetivas.&amp to all; rdquo; Psicopedagogo through of its studies it demonstrates to the educators the concern in effectively inserting music in the resume, at the same time that it demonstrates the valuation of this education for reasons that are is of the musical context, that is, ensina& ndash; if music as a way to brighten up the aggressiveness, to help in the concentration, to discipline, to calm, to facilitate in the acquisition of new knowledge in you discipline them to all; we have in the musicalizao a wealth that must be explored in its totality. Beyer, researcher in infantile musical education, is emphatical if relating to the education of music for children. The author evidenced that several of the conceptions disclosed in relation music are come back to an utilitarian thought. According to Beyer, 2001 apud Hummes (2004, P. 23): Music is important coadjunvante in the psicomotor, English work, learning of numbers, colors, etc …

music goes to help to calm the children … music goes to organize the children … music cheers to the children … music is excellent marketing for the school. Presisa to understand that the musical education does not aim at the formation of the professional musician. The objective of music as well as the objective of psicopedagogo, among others, is assistant in the process of learning of the children, is to value its knowledge, what they bring obtain, that is, its cultural luggage is to cheer to the process teach-learning and to guarantee the construction of its citizenship.