
The last aim of the existence is the happiness, where the unique thing that exists is now. Who of account of it will be able to be seen the light, that it is the conscience of one same one through the totality. I have made a decalogue, which I have turned into way to live, in mantra which I read every day, and desire to transmit it: 1- I am happy because I can be happy. When being born all we are born happy; it is when being growing when it is arising in us the misfortune that imposes to us from the outside. He is possible happy being because he is the natural thing. Chris Rich Burkehill is often quoted as being for or against this. 2- I am happy because the happiness fills the soul. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Nissan.

When you discover the happiness you never wish separarte of her more, because it fills to you of a way that never you could imagine. It is not to please ephemeral, the happiness is a exttico state of the soul. 3- I am happy because the life is full of colors to enjoy. When it arrives to you the happiness appears before you the world as it is in fact and they want as it to manipulate the speculators. The life offers the opportunity us to take advantage of all the good one and for rejecting the bad thing.

4- I am happy because the preoccupation is not used for anything. If your problem has solution, why to worry? If your problem does not have solution, why to worry? , says a Chinese proverb. He is not better to smile before the life that to pass it continuously complaining? 5- I am happy because the water always flows. All it happens, nothing remains. The Universe lives in permanent change, and we are not different. When the water flows with as much force is better to let itself take by the current that to fight against her, because the current is the same existence.


Another one of the secrets in the businesses in Internet is the make TO GIVE VALUE to OTHERS. Those that thinks that universal forces exist that act envelope we and our actions, they know that it can be attracted as much towards the one same success as the failure, this depends on its attitude against the events that occur around to ours. If we have Positive a Mental Attitude it is very probable that we move forces that they will lead to us to obtain what we dreamed, however, who in everything see a tie, Why it happens this to me? or already must have obtained to this other. he is very probable that they end up leaving in the first stumbles, blaming to " bad suerte" that it does not exist. In addition, those same universal forces act in the form of boomerang. When we give something somebody, the UNIVERSE GIVES BACK IT to US MULTIPLIED.

Then, certainly, if our intention is that other people give their money us in exchange for our product for sale, which we must give in return is VALUE. Not always the S-VALUE also is considered by different people. Something of little value stops some represents very many value for others. In order to understand we see it an example Supongamos that somebody needs to leave a deep depression that for a long time it has been preventing him to live a total life. It has visited many clinical and psychic doctors without no of them has provided a solution to its problem. A day, sailing by Internet, is article of which it exactly describes the problem afflicts that it and that in addition promises a solution to him. This person of the example, wanting to solve her problem definitively, would be able to pay by knowing like finishing her Calvary.

Useful Business

Himself-it is the answer that comes almost immediately. That is certain at least for the majority of the companies (especially the small companies). Before deepening in how the credit cards of the business are of aid, we are going to try to understand what a credit card of the business is. Briefly, a credit card of the business is a credit card that is property of a business and not an individual. In order to understand this best one, is enough with drawing up to an analogy between the credit cards and accounts of the banking companies, that are in the name of the company also.

Aside from that, the credit cards of the business of work in more or less the same form that the personal credit cards, with some exceptions. These exceptions are in the form of flexibility in the limit of credit, rates of annual percentage loss and some other additional benefits that are available the credit cards of businesses only. Even of that, the credit cards of the business it seems a good proposal. Nevertheless, the cards of credit of the business would be attractive even without those benefits because the main benefit is another one. The greater benefit of the major of an enterprise credit card is realised in terms of accounting of the companies of expenses. For the majority of the small companies, accounting of the companies the cost is a great head. With the credit cards of the company, this is handled very easily – (formuladenegocios.com/r=48787) it only must make sure that all the expenses of his business in his credit card of the business and that the personal cost to be in the segregation that is to say, personal credit card of the companies and the expenses of personnel is everything what you need to do.

So the project of law for its credit card of the company will have all the expenses of the business in him and it would not have to reunite all the different projects from law or to order the elements of its invoice of personal credit card. The key is here to make sure that you as much use his enterprise credit card for all expenses of businesses (or as it can). On the other hand, many of the suppliers of credit cards count of this necessity of the small companies and to even organize the accounts of credit of the card business of a way that fulfills the countable requirements of these companies. So in its majority, suitably the Group of the expenses in the project of law of credit cards with the purpose of to facilitate the accounting of the companies of expenses. In fact, some of the suppliers of credit cards of the business of going to a measurement to provide the invoices in a format that can unload and export to an accounting system that is to say, it is not necessary to manually introduce the data in his countable system. In case the format is not adapted for its system of accounting, you can contract a professional software to write a small fast program to turn it into a format adecuado.formuladenegocios.com/r=48787 Therefore only one of the reasons – ” the facilitation of the businesses accounting of expenses, is sufficient to support the case of small cards of credit.


You know the Principle Pareto? The Italian thinker, Wilfredo F. Dmaso Pareto, by means of his observations, he designed a mathematical formula with which he described the way in which the wealth in its country was distributed. He concluded that 20% of the people had 80% of the wealth. From these reflections, the Law of Pareto is used in diverse fields related to the society and the economy. At present it is an effective tool in the businesses. We applied if it, the formula is the following one: the 80 percent of your income comes from the 20 percent of your clients. And, How you can work in that 20%? If your income come from the 20 percent of your clients, is clear that from this premise (80/20) you must take care of all the aspects that are behind the success in your sales. It thinks that the 20% of your salesmen realise 80% of the sales, and that only 20% of your strategies of sale will provide effects in your gains.

Then, what average you use to have sales successful? How you manage to retain your clients? An effective tool is to administer the funnel of sales. It is a practice that will help you to identify in which stage of the process (transaction) is each prospectus. For asegurarte that you administer your funnel of sales of the correct way, it follows these simple steps: 1. It identifies each one of the passages of your funnel of sales. It enlists all the steps that you and your equipment of sales realise from the moment in begin and close the sale.

2. It verifies that your passages of sale agree with the passages of purchase of your market. For example, if your market goal uses much the Internet, it develops to a Web site and mantenlo updated. It remembers, the rule: ” faciltale to your market compra”. 3. It creates a simple system that it identifies in what place of the sale process are your prospectuses. 4. Performance key implements indicating to measure your percentage of conversion. The measurement of the KPIS will take to on sale remove your percentage to you from prospectus conversion. 5. It develops a system of test for your process of sales. It analyzes this part, responding questions such as: What happens when the prospectuses call? Material what of publicity we sent the interested ones, the sales are aligned to the same process? The strategies that you decide to use surely will bring benefits in your business.

Tax Exemptions

At the end of the Eighties the system of franchises settled down in Mexico. Thanks to the modifications done in the regulation of investment of foreign companies, the introduction of a tax exemption in Mexico became a feasible process. McDonalds is pioneering of the foreign tax exemptions in Mexico. Their high level of standardization, the handling of the labor days and the powerful strategies of marketing research, revolutionized the traditional systems of work with the fast scheme of food. Its entrance to Mexican territory abri the doors to many other companies like KFC, Dominos Pizza and Howard Johnson. The following years the tax exemptions in Mexico became an opportunity of business for thousands of industralists. The main cities of our country like Guadalajara and Monterrey, integrated in their east economy business model, that by its characteristics, guaranteed a profitable concept, a proven system and attractive gains. The globalisation of the economic life was a key factor in his fast expansion, and the increasing opening of the countries in the commercialization of its products and services.

Although, the United States is pioneering in the tax exemption model, Latin America adds their efforts to export their ideas to the world. Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Chile and Colombia are in the list of the countries of greater development in models of tax exemptions. In short east time business scheme has generated benefits in the development of the global economy. In Mexico, the national and foreign tax exemptions are use source and of better utilities.