The current situation proves the failure of their operation, as well as failure of their management. Ukraine is tired of political struggles, economic disaster, but most of the value of disorientation. Why do our Nenko – Ukraine is still groaning under the weight of this burden? Where are the leaders who have always been famous for Our Ukraine, and which ready to carry it? Today, the prestigious business schools offer training for leadership development managers, but they tend to focus on improving only the business skills of managers. They do not lay spiritual foundation for the formation and development of value system. And it was her absence creates a false mindset that is daunting destructive force. Defending the spiritual position and importance of their role in Building for the future, the Ukrainian Evangelical Theological Seminary for 15 years is spiritual work in Ukraine. Vision of the Seminary from the first days of the establishment was and is training leaders for our society.
We believe that the most the best managers and leaders can be a professional who has a spiritual, moral, ethical, national, patriotic reason for his thinking, creativity and labor. More than four hundred graduates theological, pastoral and music ministry boldly claimed responsibility for the spiritual condition of his countrymen, and in big cities and seemingly unpromising in the villages. Graduates Alexander Bogdan and Maxim Timofeyev with their families today are serving in the villages and that are in the Chernobyl exclusion zone. Since its founding uesb support development of national human resources, motivating improve the spiritual and academic qualification level as teachers and administrative staff, and alumni. Employees have the Seminary and the spiritual and secular education.
In an effort to constantly improve their academic level, they continue their studies in higher theological and secular educational institutions, both in Ukraine and abroad: in Prague Theological Seminary, State Pedagogical University. Dragomanova Academy of Municipal Administration, nau, Linguistic University, kneu, Ternopil State Economic University, Slavic University, European University Institute, KNUKiM. Ukrainian servants are forced today to receive religious education outside the Ukraine, because our country has not yet been higher spiritual educational institutions that would prepare masters and doctors in the field of theology and nonprofit management and budget organizations. Development master's program in public administration in uesb intended to fill this deficiency. A foundation for her doctoral dissertation became the rector ministry. The basis for his doctoral dissertation, is working on master's program vice-rector of the church leadership Fyodor Raychinets is his seven-year experience of missionary service in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Significant contribution to the development of stationary and part-time programs make experienced pastors – vf Raychinets, fm , V. Uruymagov, vi Ghouls. Participate in the ministry – an opportunity to be directly in the management and service to the people, know all the specifics of the process from the inside. Thus, the availability of the necessary understanding, capabilities, experience and dedication are the fundamental basis for the transformation of society, its spiritual rebirth. This is confirmed by such an event and the all-Ukrainian scale as the "Festival of Hope with Franklin Graham in July 2007. Life and work of the world's most famous evangelist, preacher Billy Graham and his son Franklin is a shining example of spiritual leadership today. One hundred and fifty staff and students uesb participate in the festival as assistants and advisers. Ukraine has leadership potential, and there is a base for training leaders. Ukraine has a future!