And the raven to Yale beetles went back and listened to their request and in response, asked: " potato plantations to plant yourself are you? "-" No, we do not know "- said the beetles. And for those asking, "What should we do about the great and mighty raven Yale?" Raven thought a moment and replied, Yale beetles, "Okay I'll help you again. Watch and learn what to do "- here the raven Yale grabbed all the bugs, lifted into the air and directly transferred them directly to the tree in front of a small monastery oknakelii in California. There at that very time there was such a … I better you this story describe the order, but it will have to return to the very recent past. This was still a very small Mexican town, to whom fate has prepared for the future to become one of the largest and most famous cities world, such as Los Angeles, at that time only and was, hacienda of Don Esteban and his beautiful wife Donna Lucia with male and female workers and a small monasteries with two monks: Abbe old saint don Alonso and young handsome monk Dom Inacio. Donna Lucia was present, a very devout Catholic and, therefore, necessarily had to confess every Sunday and receive absolution.
Without it, she just could not live. In fact, her confessor was the saint and the old Abbe Don Alonso, but the first time at that time for lack of a monastery Don Alonzo confessed her handsome young monk, Don Ignacio. It happened at the insistence of most of Dona Lucia, as she was in a hurry and wanted to return home to gaspendu before returning from a business trip of her husband Don Esteban. But just at this time, returned home a little earlier planned, Don Esteban went to get my wife to a monastery, as he very long for his beloved wife, and he knew where it should be.