Market Study Output Management

revolutionize electronic documents impact on the sale of personalized mass printing output management market is still largely printed on paper. Many companies print millions of pages every day. Personalized business documents and mailings are the focal points of the production. The trend seems to go in the direction of electronic documents. Many companies such as banks, telecommunications companies and electric utilities, who daily send business documents such as bank statements or even promotional mailings, offer the customer to get his post via file via E-Mail. How will this trend develop? It will be at some point as far as that the printout on paper of the electronic document is outdated? When will this be? Expects you at all? And how would the market behave, if this is true? The author Heinrich Barta in the form of an online survey researched these and other questions. The results of this market study are surprising and were published in a book about the market study: “Market study output management: revolutionize electronic documents: effects on the output management market” # ISBN-10: 3842859287 # ISBN-13: 978-3842859289 the book can also be purchased among others at Heinrich Barta, born in 1963, is employed as technical consultant for the software manufacturer PrintSoft, the leading global provider of integrated software solutions for the creation of highly personalized documents, since 2001. The constantly emerging question whether there will be a transition from paper documents to electronic documents, motivated him to this study. You can reach the author about his mail address