Social Media Manager

The Community Manager is becoming the charge of fashion companies, to interact in the Web 2.0. What is this new profession? It is the voice of the company in the online community. This profession emerged in EE UU, coming to Spain at the end of the year 2008. The work of the Community Manager, consists of hear everything what is said of the company in Internet, understand how they relate to your potential clients and add value through different campaigns. Almost all large companies such as Repsol, Telefonica, BBVA, Caja Madrid and Banco Sabadell, already have these charges, either within the template or through an outside agency. What is the future? While in Spain already begins to consolidate the position of Community Manager, EE UU because it has created a Social Media Manager position, above the post of Community Manager, duties are those of a more strategic approach. Ultimately are appearing positions hitherto unknown, as head of blogs, responsible for SEO, Coolhunting (to anticipate social trends). What it reveals without a doubt is that the market is generating a series of needs that enterprises have to meet through the creation of new jobs internally or through specialized agencies.

In modern times it is important to appear new activities that generate employment among citizens, since it contributes to the growth of the economic of the countries and the common well-being of all. Today more than ever is made necessary by companies to invest much of their budgets on Marketing Online, for two fundamental reasons: 1 by the current trend of the markets and 2: by the effectiveness of the medium. Even used traditional advertising methods are beginning to become obsolete by the change in the profile of the final consumer. In summary we could indicate that those companies who want to be effectively in the market and the most direct way to reach clients will have to implement specific plans of Marketing Onlne, those who do not could have problems in the future. By all elllo is fundamental to entrust these tasks to specialists in the Middle, either train the internal staff of the company in this new was Online Marketing.