Managing Director

Business emails are subject to the same statutory requirements as business letters. What must you look for when business emails? E-Mail communications and the Internet are nowadays simply no longer become indispensable and an integral part of the communications network, national and international. Now it’s even statistically proven that most of the private or business communication in the meantime via E-Mail is done, than on the normal “post or via fax.” The advantages of E-Mail sending are clearly obvious. Harold Ford Jr will not settle for partial explanations. This takes place within seconds, no matter, which also is place on Earth. Under the circumstances of expensive postage depending in what part of the world you letters or important documents wants to send is not necessary in this case. Also, the shipping documents as email attachments especially through the pdf format without problems has become possible and an integral part in the business communication. Nevertheless are but in the since the year 2007 several requirements of the legislator by the companies to meet when it comes to email for business purposes. Were they more pronounced until such time as recommendation been, they are compulsory since 2007 in the business mail.

It General information such as legal form, Managing Director, register Court, register number, and the headquarters of the company in the email must now be in any business email lists. Otherwise threaten the company now with a warning count and at worst threatening hefty fines of up to 5,000 euros. Therefore, many companies send their business email with additional email signature, all information listed in the. Some receivers, especially the private beneficiaries such as, for example, customers of an insurance company, an insurance company or other company may wonder to and about the greater abundance of attached email signature, than about the actual content of the email. On the other hand was by this new law made it clear that the for business correspondence required mandatory now also compulsory business E-Mail correspondence to be included in must.

Marlene Stadie

Hamburg music clip for homeless women in the top ten in the short film competition – motto: “Let’s your perspective on poverty and exclusion” in the current social media award of the music clip was selected Yao Homenya by songwriter and singer by the jury in the top ten. But nothing is yet decided, because today launches the Internetvoting, only a few days until 30th September everyone can vote. Story: Hamburg. It is cold. The wind to blow whistles Bina, Iolanda, EVI and Manu, because these women live on the street.

Conversations with them have inspired the singer Yao Homenya, to dedicate a song to homeless women: “decide for themselves”, so the title of the song. The music clip was filmed as hills sound project by the budding filmmaker Marlene Stadie, “handed him to the social media award. The short film competition social media award this year has the theme: “Let’s see your perspective on poverty and exclusion” and is directed by the by the ARINET gGmbH work integration network (Hamburg). The five top ranked work be presented in a public award ceremony on November 4, 2010 at the Abaton cinema and awards. Also the award-winning films on a DVD in Hamburg cinema published, and to other educational work in the sense of the European year for combating poverty and social exclusion “used.

The singer Yao Homenya about the motivation for his song: “homeless people are our neighbours. They’re there. Look the other way does not change. On the contrary. It is cruel to look the other way. The least we can give these people’s compassion and respect. Especially homeless women often ashamed. They get back a piece of their self esteem when they are greeted and smiled at “.” Manu, the actress in the movie clip lives a confident on the road. Nevertheless, she knows all the gruesome side of the road.

Typosition Academy

Design meets technology in the Printhouse NRW there was a premiere, and was very successful. More than 130 participants in the Printhouse of Academy pressure + media NRW e.V. Dusseldorf, to take the 11 days of the typography new impulses and ideas for their work. Lectures and workshops enthusiastic budding media designers and seasoned designers as well as entrepreneurs of the graphic arts industry. After ten years at other venues, the Congress is future to the typography together with partner Typosition Academy pressure + media NRW e.V. is held. The creative and extremely varied event was opened by the Board of Directors and management of the VDM NRW. Boris Kochan, managing partner of KOCHAN & PARTNER and President of the typographic society Munich and Akira Kobayashi, type Director of Linotype GmbH, explained afterwards in very pragmatic and exciting way in which ancient writing on today’s aesthetic and technical standards are adapted and outstanding concept,.

Creativity and technology together to play for book and media projects to be readable and understandable. The playful employment with fonts, signs and symbols\”, thus Kochan, is the best base for outstanding and surprising design.\” Both understood it, to demonstrate the importance of typography examples and to pass on their passion for the topic. The high level of expertise and a wonderful sense of humour made the kick-off event for a special evening. Education is important Bernd Rehling and Oliver Curdt, Board member and Managing Director of the Association print + media NRW e.V., revealed in her greeting the importance of typography for printers. \”Rehling represented, that the art\” for centuries was an integral part of the work of a print operation. It happens\”so Rehling, is unfortunately still only very rarely that a contract because of the best typography awarded to a commercial printer, only the price is crucial.\” The Board of Directors of the VDM NRW called the typography it again in the printer to einzuholen and to prepare young people in the topic.

Managing Director

The nuts and bolts of any former network: Current addresses of Alumni – find, search, process and alumni Manager take advantage of hunters and gatherers are targeted. Always looking for addresses of former or future graduates. The current dialog thread tape I Alumni addresses properly manage”gives valuable tips and advice on how to get in compliance with the data protection specifically addresses of Alumni Alumni managers in universities or clubs. The reader discovered numerous practical tips on topics such as searching, framework conditions (data protection, etc.) and the organisation of addresses in databases. But also the address search, the selection of a suitable database or the addresses fundraising can be found in the dialog. The author believes that Ilka Y. Hoepner: in my many Alumni marketing seminars the same questions and concerns regarding privacy, alumni databases, or addresses management again I met. The responses are summarized in this guide.” Many universities have been active for years in the Alumni marketing, While just building their alumni network into others.

However, all need an effective address management and the tools for the expansion of the network to build of a current address Distributor. The manual dialog thread tape I Alumni addresses properly manage”is available in bookstores at the price of 13.50 euros. It is aimed primarily at alumni managers from colleges and clubs. Alumni Manager with experience in sales and dialogue marketing is the author of Ilka Y. Hoepner for more than 11 years.

She is also Managing Director of in India logo, a company established in Julich for marketing and dialog consulting. The Diplom-Kauffrau supported colleges or alumni associations in its alumni work in consulting, training or coaching. Refer to for more information. Interested contact like for more information: in dialogo Hoepner GbR P.o. box 20 25 D-52404 Julich contact: Ilka Hoepner hoepner (at) Tel. 0 24 61.99 53-0 to the in dialogo: in India logo accompanied for many years alumni and University marketing projects with consulting, training and coaching. Our customers benefit from the help of self-help. Research and higher education institutions, small and medium-sized enterprises are among the clientele all over Germany as well as global player.