In the United States and Canada, indoor tanning products are very common. In addition, indoor tanning businesses have grown considerably over the past 25 years and are still growing, becoming increasingly sophisticated. It’s hard to compete with the global beauty industry. Surprisingly or not, the U.S. population is spending more time and money on beauty than their education. Therefore, regardless of gender, nationality, age or occupation, Americans are extremely attached to indoor tanning salons. The surveys always reveal the extent of the indoor tanning business in local communities. The Americans and Canadians are satisfied with the fact that indoor salons provide a rigorously controlled tanning process, gradual and under supervision.
Thanks to these factors, sunburns and health problems are almost out of the question. For example, 85 percent of respondents admit that they really believe in the safety of artificial tanning. Many people also appreciate the privacy and comfort they receive in a tanning salon, which offers a real break from all the daily tasks that have to attend. The latest polls show a more balanced male / female profile as compared to few years ago. Unlike today, in 1996, in most cases women were regular customers. But in recent years, men have become accustomed to the indoor and tan tanning tips.
Many Americans have experienced at least one artificial tanning in the last ten years. It is said that more than 10 percent of the U.S. population will visit an indoor salon facility. Moreover, women hold the supremacy of the property. Surveys show that over 50 percent of the interior rooms are the property of women. Neither age of the tanners nor the nationality is an obstacle for Americans and Canadians. Now, 70 percent of all tanners inside are more than 25 years of age. It is no longer taboo. A lot of people want to heal (of psoriasis, for example) and to stay in shape. Currently there are 25,000 professional indoor tanning Business Fund and 160,000 employees in this industry. The number of customers is encouraging, too: 28 million people. As a matter of fact, there is a professional indoor tanning salon operating in most U.S. cities. There are reports saying that Hispanic and African-American groups share the trend and their number is increasing.