Develop Generational Products And Services

New at the HTW Berlin: the extra-occupational master degree programme ambient assisted living beats an apartment that knows when their tenants in danger are alarm automatically in an emergency. A Smartphone, resembling the apartment before leaving the front door keys or the bag. Who does not want to? The need for ease of use by technology or secure everyday is independent of generation, but with increasing age, the desire increases thereafter. So why develop any products that are almost intuitive to use, can be integrated into existing technology and above all affordable? Due to the demographic change will be assigned in the next few years of technology supporting more people to help. So far not enough products and services are developed from the point of view that as many people can use them more fully in different life situations. Whether because of declining eyesight or reduced motor skills. So she starts HTW Berlin the in-service to the winter semester 2013/2014 Master’s degree ambient assisted living. The students learn to develop intergenerational products and services that adapt ideally each changed life situation.

These products and services in all areas of life such as mobility, living, everyday life or work are addressed. The students also practice how the future users and users already can be involved at the various stages of development or a later successful product commercialization would look like. This study is particularly suitable for employed and self-employed persons from the fields of design, engineering, and Humanities, who further want to qualify in the field of product development. The interdisciplinarity and practical relevance of the curriculum is clinics or the Association of German University, the German Institute for Standardization (DIN), the International Design Center Berlin (IDZ), the Technical College of Wildau and YOUSE GmbH and through supporters such as those by teachers of the HTW Berlin, the Alice Salomon median Machine and plant engineering (VDMA) guarantees. The master’s programme ambient assisted living is offered the HTW Berlin by the Berlin Institute for academic training (BIfAW). Its development was funded by the Federal Ministry of education and research. Also a Tablet PC is included in the registration fees amounting to 3.225 euro per semester in addition to the online scripts. The clearly structured online scripts for self study be completed by block events on-site. All dates are matched to the specific requirements by professionals information on the Internet: Facebook: studierMAAL Twitter: