
Today I want to write about the history and evolution of the industry of the multilevel along with the problems has been that to overcome by public opinion. Since the text is something big I decided to divide it into 3 parts, since this way the reading will not be so heavy. I hope you enjoy it. After more 60 years of life, from which in 1945 Nutrilite implato the first large multilevel, still having a great confusion in the minds of the general public, which many confuse multilevel pyramid scheme when we started to estudar the multilevel Marketing in a serious and technical manner, with us amazed still be such a degree of ignorance in our advanced and educated society. But that neither can nor must asombarnos therefore, contrary to what may seem like it is the most natural thing in the world, because behind this, there are compelling reasons to do so.

The first cause of the ignorance is in the habit. The multilevel Marketing is a type of very young direct sale, only 60 years, compared with a history of thousands of years of traditional commerce. AND for this reason, most always wary of what’s new not seeing the great business opportunity that is so. The second is education. Since childhood we have been educated to have very clear limits that we can not pass ever, except stroke of luck or great wit and wisdom, or by studies and contacts.

And those limits have just materializandose in our lives as a sort of prophecy unequivocal and relentless. Therefore, all those who say that certain things are possible, in principle it is a scammer. Currently reigns the conformism. the third is in advertising. We are saturated with it, and for this reason reject it in all its forms. And the more we promised, but we believe. The multilevel Marketing and their fantastic possibilities of gain are no stranger to this phenomenon: anyone tell that they could earn nearly a million euros in five years directly considered you a troublemaker.