Conference Board

The experts suggest that marketers pay attention to the fact that representatives of the Internet audience today than young people, and such are also two generations, as Baby Boomers (those born between 1946 and 1964) and Silver Surfers (over 62). U.S. residents older generations are the most significant proportion of the population and they are now in the Network – emphasize the report’s authors. According to Paul Verna (Paul Verna), senior analyst at eMarketer, the use of the Internet generation baby boomers and those older than 62 years, will continue to grow in coming years. These people also have significant own income and, therefore, provide an excellent audience for online marketers. By forecasts eMarketer, in the next five years, the number of representatives of the baby boomer generation web (that is, those who goes on the Internet at least once a month) to grow by more than 5 million people, with 58.2 million in 2006 to 63 7 million in 2011.

‘Representatives of the generation of diverse, they are difficult to classify, and marketers that are often neglected, focusing on promotion of goods, services, and media among young people ‘- emphasizes Verne. However, he notes, the generation baby boomers have a significant economic strength and constantly refers to the network for solving a wide range of issues. This e-commerce and financial services, travel and entertainment, and health issues, news and user-generated content. The so-called Silver surfers, people over 62 years, also constitute a significant proportion of Internet users in the U.S Their number, according to the report predicts, will grow from 17.7 million people in 2006 to 25.3 million in 2011. This category Internet users, certainly not as plentiful and does not have an influence on the web, as representatives of the younger generations, but they intend to use the network to a wide range of his interests, hobbies, as well as for professional work, stress at eMarketer. Silver surfers are usually known as the ‘silent generation’ – ‘silent generation’ expert notices.

Online marketers bypass such consumer side, because many of these users have retired before computers and broadband access have become a common thing, and their online habits are not as entrenched as that of youth. Nevertheless, I am sure Vern, the economic power of the generation and their growing presence on the web should be ‘awakening call’ for marketers who, you may want to turn their sights on something else. “What marketers should not forget – so it is that the representatives of these two demographic groups have substantial income and spend a lot of ‘, – the expert emphasizes. According to the Conference Board, representatives of the baby boomer generation have an average income of about 10000 a year, which could freely dispose. That’s more than have the representatives of any other generation in the U.S ‘So the focus on young people and lose sight of the representatives of the generation of baby boomers and consumers over 60 years, as do Some marketers, means to lose an excellent opportunity to attract the attention of big, emotional, and various fast-growing part of the American online audience ‘- sure Verne.