Calls for projects in project work show no impact of the crisis of HAMBURG the market monitor published by the Hamburg project Exchange today for the seventh time IT project business continues at a high level. In the eye of the trend observed in the last month falls: again increases the demand according to C++ experts for several months. This trend continues in October. Experts see the main reason that Microsoft at the beginning of 2008 has again definitely pronounced for C++. Decision makers would allow again the safety that this language is used in the long term.
The demand for experts with specialisation in the leading applications and programming languages – SAP J2EE/Java, C++, Oracle and SQL – which is regularly evaluated in the framework of the market monitor in October was lower than in September. Overall, however, the monthly project tenders for project work keep for several months with 1,400 projects per month at a consistently high level. Dr. Christiane road, founder of project work. sees a confirmation of their assumption that companies working with external resources, can react more flexibly in times of crisis and therefore not so fast are affected by cyclical fluctuations.
Who works more project-oriented, can cope much better with demand fluctuations. Such companies are our customers. They have learned to be flexible and access through project work experts, which then project wise use them. On sudden decline in orders, she must pay not idle people. And that’s a huge advantage over companies that little project-related work in times of crisis. This trust remains hardly on external resources.” Since 1 January 2007 specialization in one of the leading applications and programming SAP collects the data from all projects advertised on the platform for the client project work, require C#/.NET, Oracle, J2EE/Java, C++ and SQL. The data give an overview of the current market situation and reflect trends in the IT-freelancers market wider. About project work the project factory GmbH operates under a professional job market for companies and freelancers from the areas of IT, creation and consultancy. Contracting authorities publish their calls for projects on and are looking for qualified experts. Contractor set their profiles and offers and apply for advertised projects use so the job market for the acquisition of contracts and jobs. Through continuous assistance and advice, the staff of project work secure the validity and quality of the selected profiles and tenders. Currently 1,000 project tenders will be published monthly, daily informed of the 30,000 members. The contact between the contractor and the contracting authority is carried out quickly and easily – usually within a few hours. Project work was established in 1999 and is firmly established in the market of flexible work as a platform for the efficient allocation and acquisition of orders. Press contact: Cream communication Anne Bettina Jager Bernstorffstrasse 120 D-22767 Hamburg Tel: + 49 (0) 40 43 17 91-26 fax: + 49 (0) 40 43 17 91-27 E-Mail: