Given the insane speed of the Internet, we can see how the involvement of more people in the use of Internet technologies and resources. Now it is not surprising that using the site for you learn more potential customers than from newspapers. Another weighty argument in favor of creating the site is that site – it is modern, and therefore the actual means of providing information and statements about itself. Having your own website today is a common practice and success in your business development. The development of Internet sites available in the following areas: – the creation of technical project (TK) with survey (brief-form) or in-person conversation. The terms of reference prescribed: view website (information portal image site, online store, business card, promo-site); target audience web site, the structure site, information about the company's corporate identity, information about the color, graphics, styles and wishes of the client, the emotional coloring of the site (as it will be: formal, technical, neutral, challenging, avant-garde …); content, stylistic features of text, graphics, flash-animation zyki site (for example, English, Russian, Japanese version of the site) – monitoring sites on the same topic. – Creation of design concepts, starting the search and sketches finishing the design layout. – The introduction of web site management (CMS); – module programming a website and a database – fill site content and optimization of the content so that content well with search engines, and was always clear. – Testing the site, edit all the mistakes and changes by the client – registering a domain name for the website. – Accommodation website (Hosting) It turns out that the development of the site can be divided into four main stages: – design development – software development – the introduction of content management system – content of the site content is well designed website – an excellent tool for a variety of marketing and promotions, and also it affects the image of any organization.