The Santander

Is also important to save do operations from Internet: implies less costs for the entity, which translates into fewer commissions for the client. Comparison between entities after the recent announcement of Bankia, the Bank resulting from the merger of Caja Madrid and Bancaja (among others), impose new commissions to its clients is inevitable to make a comparison between entities. A Bankimia analysis, a comparer online and independent financial products for private, highlights major differences that there are between nine banks and Spanish savings banks and demonstrates how much to be tested when choosing entity. Their study makes rrencia to products not online with General conditions. For example, to keep an account in Bankia, customers payable beginning August 13 two euros a month (12 euros every six months) if they do not arrive at a balance average 2,000 euros. The same applies in the newly merged Banca Civica, with 12 euros per semester. The Santander charges between 10 and 18 euros every six months also depending on the balance half into account, amounts similar to CatalunyCaixa, another new fusion boxes, which calls for between 10 and 20 euros. Below the six-month average of the market (25,80 euros) also are they placed Banco Sabadell, BBVA, Banco Pastor, La Caixa and Bankinter.

The realization of national transfers currently has a cost average 4.26 euros, more than one euro above the average (3.14 euros) on December 31. Bankia is the institution most charged for this operation (2% with a minimum of one euro), followed by Santander and CatalunyCaixa, who receive 0.40% of the amount transferred. The cheapest is Bankinter, with a 0.25%. The minimums differ according to the entity. Use of ATM the Commission by taking money from ATMs is that more generally concerns citizens. The disposition of asset’scarryingamount at teller machines on the same network represent an average Commission of 1.33%, with a minimum of 0.96 euros. Already within Servired cashpoints network, Bankia charged one euro in all cases; La Caixa and CatalunyCaixa apply a Commission of 1.5% of the amount while BBVA obtains a 1.20%. Bankinter reaches 1%.

Within the network 4B, Banco Santander also applies a 1.20%. Banco Pastor charged 0.60 euros per operation. Most expensive sale to withdraw money at ATMs outside networks: an average of 3.91% with a minimum of 2.97 euros. Withdrawing money at ATMs that are not of Servired, Bankia charges a fixed 3 euros; Banca Civica and Bankinter 4% of the amount; While La Caixa BBVA and Banco Sabadell gain something more: 4.50%. The minimum is different according to the entities. If you perform the operation outside the network 4B, 4% and Pastor a 2.50% perceive the Santander. As for the Commission for using debit cards, the average annual share is 19.25 euros currently. Two years ago was 16,11 euros. Most entities do not charge it during the first year if payroll is domiciled. The most expensive entity in this section is CatalunyCaixa (24), followed by La Caixa (23). Bankia occupies the last place of the nine entities analyzed with 17 euros. Finally, the average cost per entry checks from another entity is 2.92 euros. Bankia receives a 1.80%, being the most expensive of all entities. The rest apply a Commission between 0.20% and 0.50%. Source of the news: abuse the banks with their commissions in crisis?