To Pena Esclusa, just candidate than his country presidential was imprison for being a brave critic of that dictator comrade, Commander, paratrooper. Hugo chavez and it seems lawful to do a comparison that is here given the enemies of Uribe: great press, Supreme Court, some news, columnists, most that can employ the dirtiest expressions against our President that even today some tick of paramilitary, knowing what will happen never them anything. Fortunately, Uribe has no time to read even the calumnies that were made by relatives of Ingrid and French diplomacy for 6 years to isolate the country internationally. Our President branded him bellicose and linked to paramilitaries. And complain of his popularity, close to 75%, a man who was able to spend a new year in a high mountain of the army camp. A man, as says Plinio Apuleyo, endowed with a fierce desire achieve what is proposed and solve the problems of the people in the most remote regions of the homeland. A the man who gave us security, which hit hard the Farc and the Eln, which opened the country to foreign investment and put in place social programs and that fortunately he denounced in the OAS the support they receive the terrorists of the Farc-Eln in Venezuela with 87 camps from which attack our country.
70 Are raids occurring from Venezuela, according to the prosecution, with the death of innocent Colombians. Is it that we should cover us eyes to benefit our compatriots in the border trade?.What unfortunately did not succeed Uribe was that the Court is respected, because of vengeful way produced arbitrary failures against its officials and Senators close to the Government and clear for this Court there are political friends of the Farc. And it will not appoint Prosecutor’s the triplet proposed by Uribe. They want one that is left to manipulate them. If this is with Chavez all of them would be in jail as Pena Esclusa or dismissed.