He lived at various times in the United States, where he taught at several universities. He has been a writer of astonishing fecundity. In his ninety-seven years of life, Russell evolves in many of their points of view. In a first phase, mathematics, appear you as the ideal of philosophy, within a platonic idealism. He then drifts towards a very English positivism, to return more later to move closer to their top positions. A feature of Lord Russell is his political and anti-religious, radicalism with an extremely lucid language that gives you quite a few problems and many followers.
His mathematical work stands out among the most original and valuable Russell, who represents the third in discord in an era of mathematical logic (1900-1930), which competes with the intuitionist l. Brouwer and the formalists of D. Hilbert. Russell tries to prove that the pure mathematics try only possible define concepts with a small number of fundamental logical concepts that all its propositions can be deducted from a small number of essential logical principles. These ideas, which aim to reduce mathematics to a branch of logic, called logicism.
Russell is antikantiano in the sense of that mathematical propositions are not synthetic a priori, but analytical. From his encounter with l. Wittgenstein, Russell drifts towards a kind of neopositvismo, which he called logical atomism and logical constructivism. n. This positivism is different from classical empiricism by its dependence on formal logic and mathematics. His vast work spans mathematical, scientific and philosophical topics: critical exposition of the philosophy of Leibniz (1900), Principia mathematica (1903), Principia mathematica 2 (1910-1913), as in which defines so-called logicism, the problems of philosophy (1912), our knowledge of the outside world (1914), research on meaning and truth (1940) and human knowledge, its purpose and its limits (1948); political, social and informative topics: socialism, anarchism and syndicalism (1918), marriage and morals (1929), the conquest of happiness (1930), freedom and organization, 1814-1914 (1934), Satan in the suburbs (1953), novel, political and ethical in human society (1954), portraits from memory and other essays (1956), why I am not Christian (1957), nuclear war against common sense (1959)The evolution of my philosophical thought (1959), does the man have a future? (1961), War crimes in Viet Nam (1967), autobiography (1968) and essays on education, showing its advanced liberalism and religious skepticism. And as the British writer said: mankind has a moral double: one that preaches and does not practice, and another who practices and does not preach. Francisco Arias Solissera vain attempt to humanize the wars. The human is to avoid them. Portal of Internet for peace and Freedom and free forum.