The London Business School celebrates the biggest feast of the graduates: distributed in over 100 cities all over the globe. The London Business School celebrates the biggest feast of the graduates: distributed in over 100 cities all over the globe. The worldwide alumni celebration (WAC) is a very important institution, which makes it possible that every year thousands of (ex) students in over 100 cities around the world together come for the business school. The goal here is that the former students can socialize with each other. The students celebrate their global togetherness from 31 countries. This year finds this entrepreneurial event”for the first time in Monaco and Bermuda instead.
The Dean who said London Business School (Andrew Likierman): We are delighted to be celebrating the largest ever worldwide alumni celebration of London Business School. “It is a truly global event for our over 35,000 alumni with celebrations taking place in over a 100 cities in the world, including many where faculty share their latest research.” That shows how International which is aligned with business school and that she remains loyal to the former students. Every year a special guest will be invited for the event specifically. All invited guests give lectures on the faculties, the current areas of research. This year the WAC in London hosted by Sir Andrew Likierman, Dean of the school. This year’s theme is”A crisis of trust in the financial system.
The panelists are, for example, Julian Franks, Professor of finance; Nigel Nicholson, Professor of organisational behaviour; Paul Coombes, President of the Center for corporate governance; Mark Dawson, partner, PwC; Lord Paul Myners CBE, former Secretary for financial services, HM Treasury and David Pitt-Watson, Chairman of Hermes focus asset management. The Director of alumni relations, said publicly: today officially marks the 8th annual worldwide alumni celebration, the largest event for alumni around the world, and we are pleased to have over 100 cities participating in the celebrations, a record for the school. “We hope no matter where in the world LBS alumni are on the 27th, they are able to find a city nearby to gather with other alumni.” Also this statement underscores how successful the idea of the annual Festival really is, that the basic idea of the entrepreneurial not lost spirit. If you are more interested in this event, you can track him #lbswac via Twitter under the symbol. You can also visit the Web site of the WAC, to learn more about current events.