Google Blog

You’ll be creating expectation and you’re publicizing before the official release of your blog. 6 / /. Creates content creates multiple items with interesting content, creates pages as the author or approaches of me, which you submit and give something of information for your readers, don’t forget to create a page of usage policies in which you are exposed as these handing over your site, responsibilities and exemptions. 7 / /. Enlists your blog in the search engines you must submit your blog in society, by sending your link to the main search engines, there are hundreds of them but the most used ones are Google, Yahoo and Bing, is a task that many sites offer you to do it automatically, but the truth is that it is preferable that you take the time to do it manually in at least the most popular. You must include the title of your blog, your domain is not necessarily the title, so is that decide a name that this is directly related to your niche market. 8 / /. Optimizes your Blog make your blog friendly for search engines and your visitors, when already in terms of publishing, creates a map of your site, using your keywords in the titles, creates easy-to-understand links and tries to make it easy to navigate.

9 / /. Good a social networking strategy to make yourself known, is create your fan page on facebook, has several applications that will help to promote your blog, you can create a landing page on it and get fans and subscribers. Before launching your blog, you can be creating something of content on your page and start to attract followers, which in the future can become traffic to your blog. Create an account on twitter and start to follow the tweets of people who have your same topic, will allow you to begin to make you known within your niche market, you will begin to have followers who are interested in your messages, try to link your facebook to top page, until you put your blog online. 10 / /. Create your own videos an interesting, interactive and powerful way to generate visits is the strategy of video marketing, at the beginning you can create presentation of your blog or informational videos, several resources you can use to create your videos, there are networkers that include videos taken with your mobile phone, the important thing is the message that you want to deliver, don’t limit yourself for wanting to do things with extreme professionalism, that going to get eventually, for now, take action.

11 / /. PPC pay per click a quick way of attracting visitors is through a campaign of pay per click, google adwords or yahoo advertising, offer this service, is essential that you use keywords that best identify you, don’t forget that you must very clear, have the budget that you have to invest, recalls that a poorly planned campaign will bring you more expenses than real visits. 12 / /. It perseveres even if you do everything right, at the beginning you will not have a great affluence of public, but while you continue putting into practice, in a daily basis your strategies, in a short time you’ll be counting your winnings. The network is a profession, specialize in your theme, offers the best products, creates confidence in your readers, your blog frequently updated with and delivery information of interest. On your success.

Red Cross Life

For waves of Maicao He joined the Radio of Barranquilla, where he was in the most important stations of the era. He would then return to Radio Peninsula in Maicao and a little later to Radio clock and Radio Guatapuri of Valledupar. She worked sporadically in Riohacha and Riohacha Admiral Radio waves. (Source: Robert Kiyosaki). However Roberto had its roots and always returned to Maicao. On his final return, after a new incursion by the Barranquilla radio, founded the newscast of the station of the national army created, directed and presented a newscast on the community television channel Telecosta302 in what would be, practically, its only participation in an environment different from the radio. Throughout his life as a journalist and public man Roberto was co-founder of the fire brigade and the Red Cross of Maicao and worked alongside voices that marked an era in the Colombian radio: Tulio Pizarro, Raul Comas, Carlos Serrano, Julio Cesar Campanella, Jorge Ochoa and Carlos serrano. wn/’>Harold Ford Jr. Inadvertently also created a school and a style of Journalism whose disciples include Harvey Cuesta, Alcides Alfaro, Ernesto Acosta and Alejandro Rutto Martinez. The voice of Roberto shuts off and their eyes are closed.

Also doubles one of the final pages of the book of your life but they begin to write the first lines of the new book: that of the life of Roberto pineda, as inhabitant of the legend and as a protagonist of the story, which has a very special place. Alejandro Rutto Martinez is a renowned journalist and Colombian writer, linked as a teacher at several Colombian universities. He is author of four books and co-author of three others in which addresses the theme of leadership, ethics, and human development. It is often invitadocomo lecturer at congresses, forums and other academic events. Get in touch with him through corrreo or call cell 300 8055526.