You know the Principle Pareto? The Italian thinker, Wilfredo F. Dmaso Pareto, by means of his observations, he designed a mathematical formula with which he described the way in which the wealth in its country was distributed. He concluded that 20% of the people had 80% of the wealth. From these reflections, the Law of Pareto is used in diverse fields related to the society and the economy. At present it is an effective tool in the businesses. We applied if it, the formula is the following one: the 80 percent of your income comes from the 20 percent of your clients. And, How you can work in that 20%? If your income come from the 20 percent of your clients, is clear that from this premise (80/20) you must take care of all the aspects that are behind the success in your sales. It thinks that the 20% of your salesmen realise 80% of the sales, and that only 20% of your strategies of sale will provide effects in your gains.
Then, what average you use to have sales successful? How you manage to retain your clients? An effective tool is to administer the funnel of sales. It is a practice that will help you to identify in which stage of the process (transaction) is each prospectus. For asegurarte that you administer your funnel of sales of the correct way, it follows these simple steps: 1. It identifies each one of the passages of your funnel of sales. It enlists all the steps that you and your equipment of sales realise from the moment in begin and close the sale.
2. It verifies that your passages of sale agree with the passages of purchase of your market. For example, if your market goal uses much the Internet, it develops to a Web site and mantenlo updated. It remembers, the rule: ” faciltale to your market compra”. 3. It creates a simple system that it identifies in what place of the sale process are your prospectuses. 4. Performance key implements indicating to measure your percentage of conversion. The measurement of the KPIS will take to on sale remove your percentage to you from prospectus conversion. 5. It develops a system of test for your process of sales. It analyzes this part, responding questions such as: What happens when the prospectuses call? Material what of publicity we sent the interested ones, the sales are aligned to the same process? The strategies that you decide to use surely will bring benefits in your business.